Chapter 35 : New Year Special.

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Happy New Years from me! (The author). Another year had passed and came in a new year. I personally hope 2016 would be a good year. Now then, without further ado, let me introduce you all again the character of this story in full detailed. Here it is!


The protagonist of this story. He is 19 years old. An avid gamer, he is CWO most powerful heroes before the incident. After the incident, which made him trapped inside a video game, thus making is level resets back to one, he decided to level up quickly. Since he knows the monster's location and where he can level up quickly, it didn't take him very long for him to level up. While farming on the mountain side, he saved a girl who was gonna get killed by a level 40 monster who is at that time, was the same level as the monster. Slay saved her and she now followed him. While on the raid to floor 60, Slay meet Nae and Sylvia, who also decided to stick with him. Together all of them have endured a lot of adventures and right now, as they only have 20 floors left, they decided to fight for it. While Slay is good, he also had an evil nature which surfaces when ever he decided to use both of his swords. His special ultimate, whenever he decided to use it, will attack the opponent in an infinite slash at the cost of his life. He is very protective of his friends especially towards Cydella.



She is the female heroine of this story. She is attracted to Slay after she was rescued by him. Before she was stuck in the game, she was also an avid gamer of online games. She plays CWO and was dubbed as the strongest female warrior. After her level resets, she decided to start of the character with a cat features. While level, she was attacked by a level 40 monster. Believing her level is appropriate she decided to take it on which ended up a failure since the monster was over her level. She fainted and was saved by Slay who was there to level. After she was rescued, she decided to stick with him. Cydella can be serious when the time is right. She is also very caring for her friends especially Slay which is true whenever Slay is hurt, she is the one who is really hurtful. She is a double user. Which mean she can wield support magic but also melee attack.



A guy who in the same party as Sylvia. He is the reason both of them never got accepted to any party because Nae is noisy. Slay accepted him to his party because he wanted a different kind of party members. Nae decided to follow him because of his leadership and his willingness to accept any people despite their looks. When push comes to shove, he can be very serious and even more serious when anyone hurt Sylvia. Before the level reset, Nae was knight class hero. He met Sylvia who was at that time a mage, when he was on a quest. There the two of them share a bond after their time as a party member. After the level reset, Nae decided to become Sylvia's companion . From there on they were always together. After meeting Slay, Nae's goofy act lessen. Although it could resurface if he feels like it. He has a crush on Sylvia which is really obvious. His In game name before was Joker.



A girl who is in the same party as Nae before joining with Slay. She is the one who always scolded Nae for his goofy act before doing the same as well. Before her level reset, she is a powerful mage class hero who excels in war tactics. One day, on her way to another village, she met Nae who was at that time was a knight. She refuses to accept his party invitation at first, but later accepted it after he 'saved' her from a monster attack. Sylvia could easily overpower the monster but Nae, believing that she is a powerless mage, kill the monster for her and that impressed her. She then accept the party invitation and from there on, they share a bond to each other. After her level resets, Nae quickly find her and there they were always together. She respected Slay and a good friend to Cydella. She even offered advice to her about getting the man she wanted. She obviously care for Nae . Her in game name before was Athena.


That's all for the characters. More will be revealed later. Have a Great New Year! ^A^

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