Chapter 8.3 : The Big Raid *Part 4*

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[Dungeon Floor 50]

We're almost at the floor boss. The group that has move earlier than us were all assembled at the floor door. Rhonde, the leader of this raid greet us. "ohh you guys were the one who were resting earlier right?" we all nodded. Rhonde gave a little laugh. "That's good. You all should find time to rest and all, as this battle will be long and can be tiring. Well, that's all going soon. We're almost at 60. We will stop at Bersubia Town on floor 55. There we will restock and then continue to floor 60. Don't fall behind mates" He gave us a wink and move forward. Cydella looked at me "that guy sure know how to boost our morale up. I'm super hyped now!" said Cydella with a burning eyes that you would normally see on cartoon or manga. "Me too! With that guy saying like that, I feel that we can do this." Said Nae with enthusiasm. Sylvia nodded. I smiled at them. but no matter what, I can't shake the uneasiness in my heart. Like something is about to happen. I shrugged off the feeling and think positive.

Rhonde gives a little speech to boost the morale of the party people and then we all went in the dungeon. There were a brief silence. Suddenly one of the man in the front was attacked. He was lifted and then seem like he was strangled. For a while he was struggling then he stopped. His body drop to the floor. He was dead. All of the people in the room went silent. I snapped out of it and scanned the area and found the where the culprit is. "Over there!" I pointed at the ceiling on the left side of the room. I scanned it.

[Death Ghoul Reaper]

[Level : 55 ]

[Attack : 165, Str : 102]

I gulped. This is bad. Another one with a stat like that. What's wrong with this place? I calmed down and looked at it. looks like this is gonna be a tough one.

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