Chapter 8.2 : The Big raid *Part 3*

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[Inner Dungeon Floor 45]

We keep on pushing and pushing. Not knowing how much time has passed since we went into the dungeon. All that we know is that we must reach floor 60. It's our goal. We keep on pushing forward. It's hard to tell what time is it now as the dungeon didn't allow even a little ray of light to penetrate in. Currently we're on floor 45. Fifteen more floor to go. I can see a little exhaustion on my fellow party member's face. "hey, why don't we stop for a while? They can go ahead. It's not like we're falling behind or anything. We're just taking a little rest." I asked them. They just agreed with me and said nothing else which is weird. I shrugged off the feeling and then sit down next to them.

Nae was silent for a while. He keep on looking on my sword. Then finally, I ask him. "Something wrong Nae?" I asked. Nae looked at me. "Hey slay, what sword is that? I didn't saw it on the market when I bought mine." I took the sword out. "Ahh this? Of course you wont find it on the market. It's a mythical drop." His eyes went big. "seriously!? When did you have the time to get that thing?" I started explaining. "Remember last week when you thought I was missing that night?" "Yeah. We looked everywhere for you. Cydella even cried a little when she thought you won't be coming back." "No I didn't! that was because we haven't eat and I thought maybe he won't come back for dinner" Said Cydella with turning her face away. I smile. "Anyway, I wasn't gone or anything. I was actually fighting the Debouch beast. The two headed one." Nae who was drinking, spill his drink. "Hey you- Really!? That thing was like level 100 or so." "level 120 to be exact" I corrected Nae. "I can't believe it. You managed to do that? That's even more absurd" said Nae with disbelief. "Well it's true at what you said. Normally I can't do it. it's impossible. You need to be the exact level or higher to be able to kill it. But now it's different. You gotta remember that right now, these character are You. Your body nerves and all of it, is synchronized with the VR that you're wearing now. So in a way, this body is not bound to the game rule anymore. It's your body. So you can do anything to it." All of them were awestruck by my explanation. Nae looked at me and give me a thumbs up "Prof Slay! Teach us more!" "No thank you" I gave a straight answer with a smile. "Uwaaa, stingy". Both of the girls laugh at both of us. I chuckled a little.

"I think it's time we went. The guys must have reached the floor boss by now." I said. We stand up. I offered my hand to Cydella to help her stand up. She happily took my hand. We marched forward. To floor 50 where the floor boss is. As we make our way to floor 50, I can't help but shake the feeling of uneasiness I had in me.

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