Part 8.4 : The Big Raid Part 5

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[Floor 50 Boss]

[Death Ghoul Reaper]

(the Story so far)

(Slay, a game addict, trapped inside a video game called Chaos World Online after agreeing to participate in an event that would give the player any reward they desire. They soon realize that it was all a lie and was trapped inside the game with their mind and their avatar becomes one with them. The only way to free themselves of these nightmare is to finish until floor 100 where they will meet the final boss there, which will serve as a key to bringing them out of these nightmare. Now, a huge party was created and currently in floor 50 with the floor boss as their enemy.)

This is bad. Again. The floor boss is different from any video games I played before. Usually, a floor boss, with a level higher or as same as you, would have health equivalent to their level amount. But this type of boss is different in CWO. I noticed it when we fight the last floor boss. The level is too different. Maybe this is the GM's doing? I can't be sure. All I know is that we need to kill this beast first. Answers will come in later. I took out my white sword and charged at it. "White Beast attack Number 15. White Fang!" My body becomes light and white aura can be seen emitted from my body. In a few second I landed three heavy attack. Each attacks deals 1000 damage. The people behind me screams. "Charge! Don't let his effort go to waste!" I can hear the people behind me charges. I jumps back at the member of my party. "Great job slay! Now it's our turn!" Said Cydella. The other two nodded and start attacking.

Death Ghoul started screaming as the other people attacks it. I scanned it. It's a thousand left. We're almost there. All we need is one more powerful attack. I looked at Rhonde. "Rhonde! Use your attack!" Rhonde was puzzled but then nodded. He points his sword at the Death Ghoul. "By The power invested in me! I shall deemed you..Guilty! Redemption Slash!" Redemption slash. Rhonde's powerful attack. It deals massive amount of damage to the enemy that the user has deemed guilty. This should end it. A blinding white light covers the entire floor room. After a few seconds it finally disappear.

The Death Ghoul Reaper was lying on the ground. "We did it right?" Said one person. A few moment of silence and then everyone started to cheer. Cydella and the other runs towards me. " We did it slay! We did it! We defeat the floor boss!" All of them jumped with happiness. I still can't believe it that we managed to defeat it but something was wrong. Something's not right. There's no way a floor boss like that would go down without a fight. Suddenly, something was moving beneath the fallen boss. A tentacle suddenly lashed out and moved silently to the side. Avoiding detection. The tentacle stop and started to attack! It's heading straight for Cydella! "Cydella watch out!" I shouted at the top of my lung. "Huh? Slay? What is-" Before she can finished her speech, I pushed her off to the side and seconds later the tentacle hit me.

I knew the floor boss being 'dead' is too good to be true. I gave a smile to them and fall down. Seconds later, Cydella's scream echo's through out the floor room.

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