Chapter 1:- The Fateful Day

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  Chaos World Online. An MMORPG developed by WinterARC co. It allows the player to use VR to experience life inside the game. It is a game that every MMORPG fanatic in the whole world had anticipated. What separates CWO from other games is the actuality. Thanks to the sensors that were implanted inside the VR, the
players' can experience all the things that they touch and do inside the game. Even their facial feature will mimic their own face. This technology is also from WInterARC as they are also the one who develope the VR.
It's been three months since the game was release and much updates has been issued out to allow more features inside the game. But enough about that. Today is the day. The day version 3.1.1 was released. Dubbed
as 'Exitus', the update added three new race 'Falea' a race of powerful cat person, 'Flaminis' A Necromancer and the much awaited 'Titan' . The update also added a new rare item and I, Slay will obtain it.

[3 Weeks after..]

It's been 3 weeks after the update and more new player logged in and play. Today they're announcing a new event. A new message appeared. I opened the mail 'Dear player, you are acquired to assemble at the town square for an event announcement. Signed the GM' . "Well that explain everything right?" A man with a black suit suddenly approached me. I look at his stat. A leval 12 with a Morridigan set. I smiled. "Yeah. They're short but they're did explain everything" I said. The man extended his arm and offered a shake. " Name's Leo and I'm a Warrior oh and my race is Ra'af" Ra'af, a race of powerful human like race. They're the closest to the human race with only their strength as their differences. I smile at him at him. "I'm Slay, also a warrior too" we both laugh at our likeness. After a brief chat we decided to move to the Town Square.
The Town Square was crowded with people eagerly waiting for the new event that will be announced soon. We find a place that we can stand close to the front. Suddenly a portal suddenly appeared and out came a black box. The box rattle then opened up. A hologram appeared "Players of CWO. Today we will be inviting you all to a new event that will only occur once in a lifetime. Please comfirmed it with a YES or NO. The decision is up to all of you. Whether you participate or not it's up to you but be informed, That there will be No Turning Back. Once you enter the event, you must complete it to the end. That is the rule." The box rattled again and then it closes. After that a confirmation message appeared. I looked at Leo and he smile and give a thumbs up. After a deep thinking, We both looked at each other and pressed 'YES'

I soon realized the error of what I did  

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