Chapter 17 : The Raids on Floor 60 to 90 XD

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We're at the meeting room. Leo explained the strategy to us personally. "In the past few days we gathered intels on the monsters inhabiting the 70-80 floor and here's what we found." He showed us the picture of a red beast with wings and an eagle head. It looks eerily similar to a monster from the greek mythology. There was another picture of a monster with eight legs and has a body of a scorpion. "what are those?" I asked. Leo explained it to us. "The first picture I showed you is a picture of a Garuda. I don't know why it's there, but I think put it there as a boss for floor 70. The other picture is a monster called Arachniapod. They are eight legged-poison shooting-monster. One hit of it's poison rendered unconscious and finally..dead" That shocked Nae and the other. I was shocked too but I maintained my cool.

I looked at Nae and the others and then back at Leo. "What are we planning to do?" I asked. "The Garuda is no problem. The problem is with the Arachniapod. They are dangerous, Nobody ever tried to take them out because they knew it's THEM who will be taken out first." Leo explained. Everyone is thinking hard what to do. Suddenly I got an idea but I knew Cydella and the others won't like it. Especially Cydella. "Leo. Have you researched anything else?" I asked. "Yeah we did. But not much. We know that it's strong against lightning. So-" I cut his talked and spoke. "That's perfect." I stand up. Cydella and the others looked at me. "Leo. Train them to fight the Garuda." I started to walked away. "Where you goin' Slay?" said Leo. "To buy some items and hunt some. Oh and Leo, leave the Arachniapod to me" Everyone was baffled by what I said. I just left the room with Cydella and the others still giving me a puzzled look.


Hey there readers!. Sorry for the late update on the story. I was busy with holidays and to top it off, I got sick for a long time. So anyway, thanks for always reading the story! I would like to express my gratitude towards the readers. Thanks for supporting the story so far and hope you can read it more .

P.S- This story is short because of something is going to happen in the next chapter. Just be patiented !

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