Chapter 18 : Plans, Thoughts and Suspicions

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Cydella's POV

It's training again. I feel awful. Yesterday's training was hell. Literately. We were forced to use our best magic and then come up with a strategy to defeat the enemy. That Leo guy keep saying that this is how the Garuda fight. Yeah right and to top it off, Slay has been missing for three days now! This is awful. I feel like lately, Slay has always been away from me..and the others too. It's like he's hiding something. Something big and I can't connect with him anymore. Before I can always read what he was thinking, but lately.. That's right. This happen after he's back from killing the Death Ghoul Reaper. Ever since he's back, something has change within him. Something I can't even put my thoughts into it. I bet even Sylvia and the others also noticed it. Well. After he's back, I'll question him with all my might!


Nae's POV

It's hot. Fourth day of training. I hate to admit it but, even though it's hard and painful, this training managed to improved us significantly. Mostly me. I was behind one level before on those two girls but now I'm on par with them. "Breaks!" Leo shouted. Break time. Finally. We went to the hall to grab some light food and then sit down where there is shades. "What a great training!" I said with full of enthusiasms. I looked at Sylvia and she glared at me. "Great training?? Which part of 'great training' is this? You're the only one who's feeling good. Unlike some people who leaves-" I quickly put my hands on her mouth and said with a whispering voice. 'You should be a little more considerate. That someone you said had someone here listening!' I said in a low voice. "It's okay guys." Cydella smiled at us. Damn. She heard us. "But Cy, Don't you think that it's weird? He left to do something and told this Leo guy to train us." I said. "Furthermore, he said "Leave the Arachniapods to me". Which is weird." Sylvia add up. I can see that Cydella is really sad. Damn it Slay! Don't do this to Cydella! Come back dude. There was a brief moment of silence. "maybe-" I try to speak. "You shouldn't think too much about him." Leo come close at us and stand besides us. "I may not know him for a long time like you guys but let me tell you one thing. He must have a reason for doing it, so whatever the reason is just trust him." We listened to what Leo said. "That's right Cy! Just trust him. After he's back, Question him with all you got!" I said it. Now if only- "Cy, I know how you feel. There was one time where I got this feeling too. The feeling of not knowing what he's hiding, but I just trust him and eventually he told me what happens. I believe that this will happen to you too." Oh yeah! Thanks Sylvia! You're great at following up my conversation. I looked at Cydella. She smile a bit. Leo turns away. "Kid. If you're really worried about what he's hiding or something, use the methods we all know. Go straight to him and ask him directly." Leo leaves us with a wave. I looked at Cydella and saw a big smile on her face. I smile. 'Thank God you're okay now Cy. Now if only Slay returns. Damn it Slay. Where are you?'


[Meeting Room]

[All of Red Alpha's member and Slay's party are presents]

[Cydella : Level 89]

[Nae : Level 86]

[Slyvia : Level 89]

Cydella's POV

In the end of the day, Slay never did returned. This is frustrating but I must keep it cool. I could listen to the plan and then tell it to Slay later. "Okay is everyone here?" Leo is looking at us. "Sorry. Anyway, lets go on with the plan." He flipped out a board and put pictures on it. "This is floor 60, our floor now and this is floor 80. Our goal. We're going to do a raid on both floors. The monsters are fine but the problem lies on the boss. Floor 70 has the Garuda boss while floor 80 has the dreaded Arachniapods." Just saying the Arachniapods sent chills to all of us. Even Syl and Nae seems to be afraid. Leo continues. "I know you guys are afraid but we need to eliminate them so that all of the other players can move forward." A lot of murmurs can be heard. Leo looked at us with a serious look. "STOP THAT MURMURING. Over the past few months, we've adjusted to living in a place like this. Have you all forgotten that this world is an illusion made by the game creator? Did you all forget that when you stop remembering the 'YES' button that you all clicked??" Leo asked us with a scary low tone voice. Everyone went silent. "We all have family, friends that are waiting for us to recover from this nightmare. Can you recall how many of us were before? No right? But I got the feeling that we were getting smaller. So the faster we do this, the better. I don't wanna die for real in a video game and neither will you." Leo spoke at us. His words are heavy but filled with truth. Over the past few months, we've been relaxing but now is the time. We must fight. "Leo, We will fight with you!" Nae spoke. I smile at Nae's determination. That's it. We must fight. Everyone started cheering and following Nae. I think that made Nae thinks that he is like a big shot hero now. Leo smile. "Good. About the Garuda. We won't have any problem with it now. The problem lies with the Arachniapods. How will we kill it?" The door suddenly opened and a voice can be heard. A familiar voice. "About that giant spider. I told you right Leo? I'll take care of it." That's no doubt that, that is Slay's voice!


POV : Point Of View

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