Chapter 34 : Last Piece

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[The Forest Of The Wise One]

"HEY! Don't just stand there ! Run for your lives!" I shouted to them. All five of us runs away from the black cat monster that has been chasing us for some times now. " Dammit ! We just wanted the stone! It's last piece and this is what happen!" Cydella shouted. " Well we would've gotten it if only SOMEONE didn't wake the guardian there and that SOMEONE didn't drop their swords and make one helluva noise!" Sylvia joins in. Obviously it was directed at me. "Well soorrry but at least I'm not stupid enough to rest and eat right next to the guardian!" I said in my defense."Quit yappering around! At least we manage to get it despite all of that mishap." Nae joins in. All four of us looked at him. " YOU MISSED THE POINT THAT IT WAS YOU WHO STARTED ALL OF THIS!" We shouted at Nae who was the reason we got into this mess. "Umm guys, I hate to break it up to you but.." We looked at Aisa . "We're falling" I looked at the ground and saw the forest a few feet below. Talk about cliche. " DANG IT!" I shouted before we fall.



"You sure this is the way?" Nae asked me. "Yeap. The old lady said it was this way. She said it's not hard to identify the forest. It's the only forest that is different than the other." I answered Nae. Sylvia is in the back trying to pick a fight with Nae while Cydella is calming them down. I shifted my gaze towards Aisa who busy looking for the forest. "How are you holding up Aisa?" Aisa was surprised by my sudden question but them smiled at me. "I'm fine! The adventure I have with you guys is fun! I never knew that this world hold so many things." Why is she saying like that? I shrugged of the thought. "Well I'm glad you enjoyed it. But you can get hurt you know. You should stay close to us from time to time." I assured her. Aisa giggled. "It's okay. I'm fine with it. I got two big brother and two big sister that could protect me from any harm." Aisa said that with a cute smile. If this is weren't a game, I would love to make her my little sister!. "Don't worry Aisa! We'll protect you from any danger." Aisa nodded and hugged me. "Thank you very much!" ' heavenly it is to be-' I feel a disgusting gaze directed at me. Sylvia looked at me and sigh. "Loli" She said. "I'm not!" I immediately answered her to remove any misunderstanding.


We arrived at the forest. "Is this it?" asked Nae. "Yeap." I answered. "Whoa. It's true. You can see the differences between this forest and the others. This one feels like as if it's alive and it's also refreshing!" Cydella add in her observation. "Well standing here isn't going to do anything. Let's get in and find it."


We decided to just search anything that seems out of place. As we didn't have any clues that will tell us where it is we just keep on searching until finally, we found a place that looked like the Egyptian temple. We all looked at each other and finally decided to went in. It's better than never.


Inside it was a narrow hallway that stretches long way to the back. It's like an unending passageway. Luckily we have a torch so it we could see even in the dark. We moved slowly to avoid anything . Who knows if this temple might have some traps. Slowly, slowly, we finally arrived at a dead end. Thank God nothing happen. We looked at the wall. At first glanced it was nothing more than just a wall but upon closer inspection, there's a writing in it. "What is that? This game's language? I can't understand it all" Nae said. "Move aside dimwitt." Sylvia pushes Nae aside as she reads it. "I understand now. It's a riddle." Sylvia explained to us what it said. "A riddle? What does it say?" I asked Sylvia. "Hmm..Hark thee who want to pass. Thou must answer this riddle so that thou may passeth. What walks on four in the morning, Two in the Afternoon, Three in the evening and No legs in the night? Carved thy answerth on this wall to proceed." The three of them think hard. " What a hard one. I never heard of any creature that does like that." Sylvia said. "Is it food?" In that instance Nae said that, his stomach made a rumbling sound. We all looked at him. "You just want to eat didn't you?" We all said it to him. Nae just smiled. 'Four two, three and then none.' I realized the answer. "It's the riddle of the Sphinx! No wonder it sounded so familiar." I said with enthusiasm "Sphinx?" Cydella asked. "Yeap. Ever heard of a guy name Oedipus?" I asked them. "I know that guy! I read the Greek mythology about him. No wonder the riddle sounded familiar." Cydella answered. I nodded. "The story goes that Oedipus was born to King Laius and Queen Jocasta, Laius wished to thwart a prophecy in which Oedipus would end up killing his father and marrying his mother. The King didn't want that to happen so he fastened Oedipus's feet together with a large pin and left him to die on a mountainside." Nae and Sylvia shakes their head. "How horrible." They said. "There's more. Luckily He was founded on Cithaeron by shepherds and raised by King Polybus and Queen Merope in the city of Corinth. Oedipus learned from the oracle at Delphi of the prophecy, but believing he was fated to murder Polybus and marry Merope, he left Corinth. Heading to Thebes, Oedipus met an older man in a chariot coming the other way on a narrow road. The two quarreled over who should give way, which resulted in Oedipus killing the stranger and continuing on to Thebes. He found that the king of the city-Laius-had been recently killed and that the city was at the mercy of the Sphinx. Oedipus answered the monster's riddle correctly, defeating it and winning the throne of the dead king and the hand in marriage of the king's widow, his mother, Jocasta." Nae and Sylvia gives a disgusting look. "So he married his mother? ugh. Talk about desperation." Both of them stated their opinion. "There's more to it that explained the riddle." Cydella continued after me. "Oedipus and Jocasta eventually had two sons Eteocles and Polynices and two daughters Antigone and Ismene. In his search to determine who killed Laius and thus end a plague on Thebes, Oedipus discovered it was he who had killed the late king,-his father- while on his way to Thebes. Jocasta, upon realizing that she had married her own son and Laius's murderer, hanged herself. Oedipus then seized two pins from her dress and blinded himself with them. Oedipus was driven into exile, accompanied by Antigone and Ismene. After years of wandering, he arrived in Athens, where he found refuge in a grove of trees called Colonus. By this time, warring factions in Thebes wished him to return to that city, believing that his body would bring it luck. However, Oedipus died at Colonus, and the presence of his grave there was said to bring good fortune to Athens. That explained it all." Nae and Sylvia looked confused. "So what part is it that explained the riddle here?" Nae asked. I smiled at him. "Simple. It's M-A-N." Nae and Sylvia looked at each other. " Man?" "Yes. As a baby, we can't walk yet, so we move on four. As we grow, we eventually learn how to stand and walk on two. As we grow older, we uses cane to walk, thus making it three leg with the cane as the support and finally we died which is none at night." Cydella explained it to them. I looked at her and give a thumbs up at her to which she blushes and turn her face away. I immediately carved the answer and the wall opens a passage which in it was a blue stone.

guarded by a big black cat monster.


[Present time]

"ay! lay! Slay!" Nae shouted my name and I woke up from my unconsciousness. The first thing that was on my mind was "Cydella! Where is she?" Nae calm me down. "Relax dude. They're over there" Nae pointing out to where the girls are relaxing with a bonfire next to them. I sigh in relief but then I realize something. "What about Aisa? Where is she? Is she-" I frantically searched for her and found her splashing in the water. "Never mind." I can finally relax knowing that everyone is safe. "Nae? The stones?" Nae looked surprised but smile. "Here. All three pieces."


We put the three pieces together and the sky turns dark. It rumbled and a bright light engulfed us, blinding us for a few seconds. As quickly as it come, that also happen when it goes away. Leaving us with a pure blue stone. Beautiful than anything. Finally the Stone is complete.

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