Chapter 6:- A New Comrade Joins The Party!

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[Retalia Town Square]
[Slay Level : 50]
[Cydella Level : 49]

After 3 weeks of grinding level for me and Cydella, I finally managed to reach my goal to level 50, Cydella went up by 4 level. It would be a lot faster if we were grinding it separately, but Cydella insisted that we'd do it together as she is still isn't accustomed to level by herself. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of horns blown on the center of the Town Square
stage. "I forgot what are we doing here today." Said Cydella. I turned to looked at her and said "well, today they're organizing a party to storm on floor 40-50. It'll be a massive one. I'd expect we would all be participating." said me to Cydella. Cydella thought for a while and said "If I'm in a party, It would better be just the two of us." Said Cydella. I was shocked for a while and said "why would you want only us both? You wanna get us killed?" Said me with a terrified face. Cydella chuckled and said "we wont. You're strong. I see you killed two Ygdril the other day without any much trouble." I remember that. It's not that strong at all once you knew it's weakness and it's pattern of attack. I looked and said to Cydella "I'm not that strong Cy. Let me tell you something. I have skill called Quick Analysis. It allows me to quickly analyze the target and find it's weakness. I could also analyze other people. Although it doesn't give the weakness and all, but instead it showed the status of the player and the current level he/she were." Cy just listen when I gave an explanation on my skill to her. I stopped my explanation as I saw a man walking on the center stage. I quickly analyzed him and found out he's a level 60. Ten level more higher than mine. The man started to speak. "Adventurers who had gathered here in Retalia. I thank you for taking the time to listen to this. Now let's get on to business. I would like you all to participate in a floor raid. The starting place would be here at retalia's floor 30 and we'll go up until floor 55. After we reached it, we will stop at Bersubia Town to restock there and continue onward to floor 59 and then finally stop at Floria Town which is located at the base of floor 60. From there onward you can decide whether to continue or stop there and take a break." There was a lot of agreement from the people. "Don't fear my comrade! For as I Rhonde D'Rando will my lead you all out of this place and into the real world." Rhonde smile and then suddenly his face turned serious. "For all you know, In the past 3 months we're here, a thousand of us doesn't wake up from sleep anymore. It could be just a hunch but I think the VR was forcefully taken away or the power supply was shut off. I imagined the remaining of us here are alive probably because it made into the news and they have realized how dangerous it is to their loved ones who use these thing. SO that's why, we're going to free ourselves from this place and into the real world! Good luck my comrades! after we cleared floor 60, only 40 more floor to go!." Said Rhonde with enthusiasm. The crowd who were depressed and scared at the moment suddenly turned brightly happy with smile on their faces.
Cydella looked at me and said "Tch. That man wanna steal your spot. You're the one who's gonna free us. Right Slay?" Cydella looked at me with a cheerful smile. I looked at her back. "Cy, I'm gonna do my best for both of us to get out of here" I went silent for a while and suddenly realized what I said and immediately blushed at what I said. I looked at Cy and she was blushing too. Finally after a moment of silent Cydella suddenly said "Th..Then I'm gonna do my best too! I..I'm gonna do my best at supporting you Slay!" said Cydella with a red face. I was happy at what she said and had a lot of things to say but all I managed to do was nodded. After a while, the meeting finally was over. The information I got at the moment was, 1.You cannot be in a two person party otherwise it won't be called a party. Only 4 person are allowed to minimized the damaged if they were attacked. 2. The raid will take place in two weeks time and it will be on 6 AM. "4 person huh? where are we gonna find another two?" And as if luck was on our side a guy suddenly approached me from behind. "Yo! how are ya? Tough luck ehh? You know I've been to this party before but not for too long because it was quickly disbanded oh by the way, my name is Nae." the guy name Nae continued to speak as if we had known him for a long time. "uhh Nae is it? whoa you're one lively guy." Nae looked at me with a smile and said "well yeah! of course I am. Nice to meet you uhh.." Nae paused for a while and I stretched my hand said "Slay. This one here is Cydella." Nae looked at me and shake my hand and also Cydella. "Nae and Cydella huh? Cool names! Nice to meet you ! By the-" "Nae. What are you doing bothering them?" Suddenly from behind, a girl holding a book and wearing what seems to be an upgraded version of Stilla's Witch Sets. "Don't bother other player? Sorry about that, we're in the same party but nobody wants to accept us because of this blockhead's mouth keep on running like tap water." I looked at her and Nae and chuckled for a bit. "ahh! Slay is laughing! something good ?" I stopped and looked at both of them. They all looked surprised at my action. "Nae and.." The girl introduced herself with a smile. "Slyvia" . "Ahh Sylvia! Nae and Slyvia. Sorry about that, I watching you too and found you guys to be interesting. So how about it Cydella?" I looked at Cydella. Cydella looked surprised. "heh? Huh? ohh, They looked fine and kinda nice." I nodded and looked at them both. "You said nobody wanna accept you guys right? Wanna join us?" Both of them looked surprised. "Is it okay for me and this blockhead to join?" Ask Sylvia. I laughed. "It's not a matter of okay or not, you guys seems interesting. I like interesting people." Both of them smiled to the ear. "Well then here we come! Nae and Sylvia! Joining in!" Said Nae. "Nae! keep your voice down!" Said Slyvia. "Ehh? It's okay! I wanna do whatever I want!" I chuckled and looked at Cydella. She looked at me too and both of us smile.

Looks like this party, Just got bigger.

Slay's Party
[Slay : Level 50]
[Cydella : Level 49]
[Nae : Level 40]
[Slyvia : Level 40]  

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