#34-- One Last Time. ✔

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Hey guys, here's the last chapter hope you enjoy it. Vote and comment.
I want to thank all of you guys for your wonderful support throught this book.
At this moment, it has 5k reads whereas i started with 0. I am happy. Thank you so much.

Now read ahead...


Ashna's POV.

We were hiding inside this luxurious apartment. Natasha's apartment.

Parth arranged a back up of police. Roy and I, hid behind the doors. Annie locked herself in the empty room of this apartment. She didn't want to face the drama but obviously she will be the first one to hit the bastard where the sun doesn't shine.

Natasha was sitting in the living room couch, pretending to read a magazine. She constantly checked the time on her wrist watch.

There was a strange kind of calmness in the air. Like the calm before the deadly storm. But there was also the thrill to this situation.

This happened in movies and books and those never ending cop shows. The drama that was created to catch the villain or the culprit of the story or movie. Who thought something like this would happen in real life? Who thought me and my friends will be a part of it? I thought my past was so intensely dramatic that I have passed the course of drama in my life already.

But here I am, in another drama, in another chapter of my life. You never know where life will lead you upto.

The doorbell rang.

Natasha looked up at us and nodded. We nodded back. A silent acceptance that the drama is going to begin.

Natasha kept the Cosmopolitan in the fancy wooden table and stood up. She ran her hands on her dress to smoothen the wrinkles and let out a deep sigh.

She went and looked through the peephole. Then she turned the doorknob and opened the door.

There stood the devil.

He was once again in his black suit and neatly gelled hair. His tie was in place and hands in his pockets. He wore his oh-so-glorious smile.

But... there was a difference. This is not the Michael Richards I know.

Yeah, from his appearance he is the same Michael Richards that I knew from college. His style and confidence defined him.

Now, the facade has fallen.

Behind the gentlemanly behaviour, stood the devil- the destroyer. That innocent, charming smile was nothing but evil. I was never so wrong in my life before. I fell for his facade.

"Hey doll." He said and smirked at Natasha.

I could feel the glare that Roy threw at him from beside me.

"I knew this guy had something wrong in him." Roy grumbled beside me. "And still you chose him over me to dance with at the ball." He pouts his lips childishly. I took the chance and pecked his lips. Who can resist such cuteness?

"Shh..." I whispered.

"So did you get the abortion done?" Michael asked Natasha in an uninterested tone.

"No." She mumbled.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because I want this baby." She shrugged.

"Do you realize if you have this.." he points at her stomach and made a disgusting face, "..your career will be ruined?" He asked calmly.

"Why do you care?"

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