#13-- Help! ✔

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Ashna's P.O.V.

Sometimes a little help from a friend makes all the difference in the world. Friend? Is he my friend? I don't know what we are. But today what Roy did was really someting great.

We landed in the London airport few days back. Roy, Avery and I, were staying in my London penthouse along with some workers.

Roy insisted on coming with us, when I told him not to. In secrecy, I'm glad that he came. To say I'm scared and nervous would be an understatement. I'm on the verge of getting a panic attack.

Roy and I waited in the waiting room when Avery was taken in the operation theatre. Roy held my hand and murmured soothing words.

"Your hands are cold." Roy said in a very soft voice and started rubbing my hands.

"I hope everything goes off well." I told myself. Tears were threatening to fall at anytime.

Roy looked at me with soft eyes. "Hey." He lifted up my chin with his fingers, I couldn't stare at him, not when my tears were going to fall. "Everything will be fine." A tear escaped. He wiped it with his thumb. His thumb were soft as cotton. "Baby..." he pulled me closer and I rested my head on his chest.

Baby? Did he call me baby?

"Come with me." Roy pulled me out of the hospital. I walked without uttering a word. "We will come back in an hour, anyway the operation will take more than 3 hours."

"Where are you taking me?"

"To the park."


The park was a small one, filled with kids and their parents, some teenagers were strolling around, having ice-creams and talking away animatedly.

Roy made me sit in a white bench, infront of a small fountain and went somewhere. There was another bench on the opposite side and a pretty girl was sitting alone, wearing a white hoodie.

I don't know where was Roy so I stood up and walked near the fountain. The fountain was actually a statue of cupid. It was beautiful.

I was standing and admiring the fountain and the girl was sitting right behind me.

She was crying.

I turned around to look at the girl, she didn't look more than a 17 year old. She looked so vulnerable.

I don't know what came over me, but I took a few steps and seated myself on the bench beside me.

She moved a little as I sat beside her. I thought she will get up and go but she didn't.

No one spoke. Tears were falling from her eyes and her breathing was so fast.

I know that feeling. It's like you are being stabbed numerous times in the same place. It pains and the pain is unbearable. It feels like you're drowning and no one is there to save you. You feel like dying.

"Count your breaths." I said. The girl didn't flutter her eyebrows and just stared at the fountain, her breathing becoming irregular by seconds.

"I... I can't... breath." The girl choked on her voice.

"Take deep breaths and count them." I said rubbing her back.

She did as I told her. Her breathing became stable and she calmed down.

"Drink some water." I took out a bottle from her backpack which was lying in the ground and handed her over. She took it.

She gulped in some water. When I chose to ask. "Why are you killing yourself?"

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