#26-- Witchcraft. ✔

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Natasha's POV.

"You can't take the risk, Natasha." Dr. Emily said in a serious tone.

"Use all your best treatments! Call your best doctors and get my operation done! I'm paying you a shitload of money!!"

"It's not about money, Natasha. You're at the end of your first trimester. At this time it is very risky to have an abortion. Not for the baby..." Emily made a disgusting face at me. "...you are already killing the child inside you but this might kill you as well or you might also never be able to conceive again."

Ridiculous! This is all bullshit! I don't want to get pregnant. I don't want babies. I hate them. He hates them. He will never come back to me if I have this child.

My mother always told me how hard it was for her to raise me alone. A child always needs a father figure, she told me that she gave me everything but could never fill the father's place.

I can't have a baby. It will ruin me. It will ruin my body. I won't be able to impress people. I will become fat, no one will want me when I look ugly.


"I'm leaving." I got up and walked out of the cabin.

"What have you done?!" I looked up to the woman waiting outside for me.

Megh. My mother.

I gave her an expressionless face as a greeting and walked out of the clinic.

"Natasha! Whose seed are you carrying?" She shouts at me, grabbing the attention of people around. Nothing new, she loves attention.

"Can we talk in the car?" She nodded as we sat in my car.

"What have you done? You can't get pregnant! You'll ruin yourself, Natasha."

There goes her drama....

"I can't abort the baby." I said, knowing what was coming next from Megh.

"Oh no! You have to."

"I'm already 3 months pregnant."

Megh hit her head with her hand and cursed at me. "Who is the father?"

Before I could say anything, she smirked. "Its Roy, isn't it?.... I'm so happy. Now that Ashna will know what you are and what she is. She should've known she was messing with the wrong person." My mother smirked again. "You've got your goodness from me. I am so proud of you." I smiled at her weakly.

A child isn't something that I expected. But I always loved kids when I was in school. What changed? Oh yes, when Megh aborted her second child after me with some other man.

My mother, Megh always told me that children were trouble. They destroy you.

Is that true? Look at Ashna. She is so happy with her daughter- adopted daughter. Why am I not happy when I'm having my own child? Daddy always said, to become a mother is the greatest joy to a woman.

Daddy.... I miss you.

Tears stung the corners of my eyes.

"Oh not again." Megh said in a bored tone and retouched her make-up. "Don't think about your father. He was an asshole. He never gave me enough money to live lavishly like my friends. And these tears are meant for others not you, they make you weak and vulnerable. You don't cry, you make others cry." She glared at me.


"I've to meet my boyfriend. See you later." Her later means next when she wants money. She smirked and got out of my car.

I wasted no time and sped off.

Only if she knew....


"You're a bitch!" He shouted at me. I know I hurt him but what can I do? "You can't have that baby!"

"But.... I can't get aborted anymore. Or else I won't be able to conceive any more." I informed him. I know he doesn't want to get married with me and have a family. I'm his timepass mistress but above all I love him.

"Who cares if you can have a baby or not? I don't bloody care! Its not that I'll marry you in future. I'm already married, bitch!"

I couldn't hold the tears anymore. "I know that, okay? I know I'm just your fucking mistress and can't ever be your wife. But I love you! And I want to have this child and give your name!"

"No!" He shakes me roughly, holding my shoulder. "I'm not giving my name to this baby of yours." I stood there quitely, loosing the battle.

"Oh wait." He smirked evilly. "Claim this child as Roy's. You slept with him last week or something." The evil smirked didn't leave his face.

"No Michael!" I shout at him getting furious. Blame my pregnancy hormones.

"I did not sleep with him. I did that because you told me to do that. You wanted to get back at Ashna. You want to ruin her!!!" I shout at his face this time. What have I got myself into?

"And you didn't want to get back at Ashna? She made you pennyless. You are living under my roof, just because of her."

"Fine." I sat down feeling exhausted.

"Lets do this." He grinned evilly.


"Go and claim your rights. Tell Roy that you are carrying his child. Problem solved. You keep your baby and I get my revenge on Ashna." He said. I wonder what has Ashna done to him? We all were friends in school and college but never did Ashna do something wrong to him. Who am I kidding? She didn't do anything to me as well but still here I am- taking revenge on her just because of our past.

"How will this benefit you?" I ask Michael.

"Dumb woman! She will leave Roy if he has a child with you." He doesn't say anything more and left me confused. What's the deal with them? I don't understand.

"Hmm." Michael leaves me to go and attend his wife whereas I stay with my lonly self.


Remember Rogan? If not, read MASQUERADE again. He is mentioned only once.

Clearing your confusion- "Melissa" is not a spin off of this story. Therefore, that Rogan and this Rogan are totally different characters. If that makes sense.

Read MELISSA. Please!! Shower me with love. Vote and comment.

Question- favorite character so far? If any.

Thank you.
Love you all.

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