Part 37

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Answer to question #1) Justin wants a porsche for his 18th b-day!! And #2) He's supposively growing a 'mustache' a.k.a. four little hairs on his top lip that Selena says tickle when she kisses him!So xSnowKiss got both right! Congrats! Your soo smart :P ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 "You like this one?" Adison asked, holding out a ruffled white dress. "No. It's too poofy." I chuckled, sifting through the racks and racks of dresses.

 "What exactly are you looking for, Tee?" she asked, throwing her hands up. "I don't know. What do you think Justin'll like?" I asked, biting my bottom lip at the thought of Justin. My soon-to-be-husband.

 We're getting married in 2 weeks and I still don't have my dress. That's what we're doing now. Addison and I, that is. Dress shopping. And believe it or not..I'm very picky.

 "I don't know. None of these would look right on Justin." she chuckled. I narrowed my eyes at her and grabbed several dresses off of their racks, pulling them into the fitting room.

 "I kinda like this one.. What do you think?" I asked, walking out of the fitting room with an ivory pleated dress. "It makes your boobs look too little. You wanna show alittle cleavage, Tee." she chuckled, shaking her head.

  I frowned and changed into another dress, my mouth dropping as I looked in the mirror at my reflection. "This one. I love this one. You better love it. Do you love it? Tell me you love it.." I squealed, looking over at Adison.

 "Calm down, Teegan. You look beautiful. I love it..and soo will Justin." she smiled, standing up and examining the dress I had on. "You think he'll like it?" I asked excitedly. "I know he will." she smirked.


  "Dude, your shaking. Calm down." Ryan chuckled as I tried to tie the tye (try saying that 10 times fast :P Tie the tye) that hung from my neck. "Sorry. I'm cool." I muttered, finally getting the tye in the proper position.

 "Why are you soo nervous, JB? Your  just marrying the girl you love and showing her that your fullly committed to her. And saying goodbye to single life. No pressure." he chuckled, hitting my back.

 "Yeah. Thanks for the advice." I said sarcastically, taking in a breath and looking at myself in the fitting room mirror. "What do you think Teegan's doing right now?" I asked, playing with the sleeves of the tux.

 "Trying on wedding dresses, remember?" he chuckled.  "Yeah.. I forgot." I sighed, running a hand through my hair.  "Man, you really are nervous." he mumbled, walking up behind me.

 "Kinda. I don't know how she pretends not to be nervous." I sighed. "JB, did you ever think that she's not nervous? Maybe she's ready to marry you and wants to do it as soon as possible." he smiled.

 I raised an eyebrow and looked back at him.  "Deep right?" he smirked, popping his collar. "Yeah. That's weird for you." I chuckled, untying the tye again and pulling the jacket to the tux off.

 "I can be deep. I'm just that cool. Now hurry up and change. I'm hungry." he chuckled, walking out the door. I rolled my eyes and changed out of the tux, handing it back to the tailor, and walking back over to Ryan.

 "Leggo!! I'm starving!" he yelled, running out to his yellow Hummer and jumping in the front seat. "You do remember we have to go get the girls first, right?" I chuckled, sliding into the passengar seat.

  His smile faded but, he stayed quiet as he drove towards the dress shop.  "You go get them. I'm lazy." he chuckled, parking the car. I rolled my eyes and stepped out, walking into the shop.

 "Teegan Brooks?" I asked the lady at the front desk. She raised an eyebrow and looked through the computer, "I'm sorry, sir. The only Teegan we have scheduled is a Teegan Bieber." she shrugged.

 I smiled brightly and nodded, "Yeah. Could you tell me where she is?" I asked.  Teegan Bieber.. She signed in with my last name. Wait! Our last name.  "Fitting room 5." she smiled.

 I nodded and started down the hallway, counting the numbers down as I passed. Aha! 5.  I opened the door and my eyes got wide as I stepped into the room.

 "It's stuck." I heard Teegan whine as she held the top part of a dress, Adison trying to unzip the back. "Hold on, Tee. I think I've almost got it..oh! Hi, Justin." she smiled, waving over at me.

 I waved back, hearing Tee chuckle, "Justin's not here. Stop playing and unzip my dress." she sighed. I chuckled slightly and help my finger to my lips, motioning Adison to keep quiet, and walked over to Teegan wrapping my arms around her waist.

 She jumped and turned around to face me. "Oh my God, you scared me." she sighed.  I smiled slightly and leaned in for a kiss when her eyes got wide and she grabbed the curtain to the dressing room, covering her body.

 "Out! Your not supposed to see my dress." she whined.  "I'm gonna see it anyway. I don't see why I can't now." I sighed.  "No! It's bad luck. Please just get out. We'll be out in a few minutes." she sighed.

 I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room and back out to Ryan's car.

* * *

 "Finally." Ryan chuckled as Teegan and Adison jumped into the backseat of the car.  "Blame the zipper on Tee's dress." Adison chuckled.  I heard Teegan sigh and I looked back at her.  "What's wrong?" I asked quietly.

 She just shook her head and turned towards the window. I raised an eyebrow and jumped into the backseat, getting a not-so-grateful look from Ryan.


 "What's wrong, baby?" I heard Justin ask, sliding beside of me.  "It's nothing." I frowned, not looking at him. He let out a breath and grabbed my shoulders, turning me around.  "Tell me, Tee." he sighed, laying his forehead on mine.

 "It's nothing." I repeated, trying my best not to smile at his brown eyes.  "Tell me." he smirked, poking my ribs. I giggled slightly and shook my head. "No." I whined, taking his hands in mine to avoid future tickling.

 He rolled his eyes and pecked my lips lightly. "Fine. Don't tell me. I'll get it out of you somehow."  he sighed, crossing his arms across his chest. "We'll see about that." I chuckled, laying my head on his shoulder.

 "No no! Get off. No love until you tell me." he scowled, pushing me off. I scoffed slightly and crossed my arms, leaning against the door. 2 can play at this game. "Fine. I don't want anything from you anyway." I smirked.

 Adison and Ryan both looked over at us like we were stupid.  I groaned loudly and looked over at Justin, "I feel like something bad's gonna happen because you saw my dress." I whined.

 He smirked slightly and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Nothing bad's gonna happen, Tee." he assured me, kissing the top of my head.  "I hope not." I sighed, laying my head on his shoulder.

  "Nothing's gonna happen. Everything's going to be perfect." he whispered, kissing my lower lip and playing with a piece of my hair. I smiled and nodded slowly, "Perfect." I repeated, unsure of my own words.

 Question #1) What is the theme of Justin's bedroom back in Stratford?  #2) Justin's favorite fruit is ___.   Thanks guys!! I'm ending this story soon though!! Hopefully 40...maybe 45 parts? Glad ya'll like this!! :D Love you guys!! Vote & Comment!!!! And I've started school Sooo..sorry if my updates are slow!! Please bare with me!!

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