Part 26

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~~*~~A year later~~*~~
  "Do you really have to go?" Jasmine asked, wrapping her arms around my waist. I chuckled slightly, "You can always come with me." I smiled, kissing the top of her head.

 "I can't. Your a year behind me in college." she frowned. "Then move to my school." I sighed, laying my forehead against hers.  "I can't. I guess I'll just have to wait until your back." she sighed, her black hair flowing across her features.

 "That's my girl." I smiled, laying my lips on hers and kissing her slowly. "I love you.'' she sighed as I walked over to my Range Rover. "You too." I smiled weakly, sliding into the car and driving in the direction of the college.

 Boy, this place brings back memories. My huge fight with Tray, Chaz...Teegan... Just the thought of her makes my heart hurt. I took in a breath and walked into the school, suitcases in hand, and up to the dean's office.

 "Bieb.." I started but, was cut off as he looked up at me. "Ah, Mr. Bieber. Glad to see you back." he chuckled, handing me a room key and class schedule. I just nodded slightly, a little freaked out that he remembered me of all the students he's had.

 Room...L8. Okay then..I started up the stairs and finally found my room, seeing a familiar figure run by me from the other direction. Teegan? No, I have a girlfriend now. Teegan forgot me. I forgot her...atleast I was supposed to.


 "Tray! Wait!" I yelled, running through the blue carpeted hallways of the college. Luckily, after everything happened, mom finally bribed the dean to let me back into school.

 So, I'm a sophmore this year.  "No. You want it, you gotta catch me first." Tray yelled, running faster. "No! Give me back my shirt!" I yelled, finally catching up to him.

 "I wanna borrow it." he sighed, stopping.  "No, it's my lucky shirt." I frowned, pulling at the orange fabric in his hands. "Please? Just for today?" he asked, running down the hallway again.

 I sighed and took off after him, running into someone walking out of their room. We both hit the floor with a loud thud. "I'm soo..." we both said simultaneously, sitting back up.

 "Teegan?" I heard as I sat up and looked over at the familiar face infront of me.  "J-Justin?" I asked, quickly jumping back up. "Hi." he sighed, waving slightly. "Uhh..yeah. Hi." I muttered.

 He stayed quiet, running a hand through his hair which he had grown out since last time I'd seen him. Without thinking, I ran back down the hall without another word exchanged with him.

 I sat down on one of the small benches after he was out of sight and looked down at the floor. My palms were sweaty and my heart was pounding.  Why do I feel like this? It's been a year.


 I watched Teegan run off down the hall as I pulled myself out of the floor. She just had to be here, huh? As soon as I think I've forgotten her, she's back. I sighed and stumbled back into my room, falling onto my bed.

 I groaned loudly, hiding my face in my pillow. I shouldn't feel like this. I don't love Teegan I? 'No! Justin, you love Jasmine.'  I told myself, running thoughts of both girls through my head.

What was that Granddad had said that one day? "If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, it was never meant to be." I said aloud, my voice muffled by the pillow.

Is this a sign? Maybe it is....  But, I bet Teegan's still pissed about what happened. I have to know though. I have to know if she still loves me. If there's anything left of our relationship worth rekindling.

 What if she still loves me? What if there is something left between us? I can't just dump Jasmine. Or can I?

Okay guys!! I need help!! Should Justin stay with Jasmine and try to make things work or try to win Teegan back?? Which would you like to read about more? Every comment is appreciated :D

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