Part 15

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 "You heard me, Tee. Please don't make me say it again." he sighed, running a hand through his blonde hair. "B-But...we dated.'' I studdered, trying to recalibrate my bones which were now glued together and unable to move in any position.

 "I know. I just figured it out for myself a couple months ago." he frowned, sitting back down. A couple months ago? Didn't he try to win me back a couple months ago? "How did you figure it out?" I asked, my nerves calming themselves down enough to unlock my muscles.

 "You'd smack me. I just wanted you to know. We're still friends, right?" he asked quietly. Whoo! I have a gay bestfriend. Something every girl should have. "Of course we are but, I wanna know how you figured it out." I sighed, sitting down next to him.

 "Just forget it. I might tell you later. I'm just glad we're still friends.'' he smiled, wrapping me in a tight hug. "Yeah. Me too." I sighed, pulling out of the hug and walking back of the room.

"I'll see you in class tomorrow." I yelled before running back into my room. "Chaz! Chaz! Get up! Get up!" I yelled, jumping on his bed. Sure he was sick but, this was big news!

 "What? I'm up." he groaned, turning onto his back and looking up at me. "Guess what." I smiled, plopping myself down ontop of his stomach which probably didn't feel too good considering the 'umph' sound he made.

 "What?" he asked. I thought for a second before saying anything. Maybe Tray doesn't want me telling anyone but, Chaz is my boyfriend. He'll understand, right?

 "Can you keep a secret?" I asked, unable to stop the smile that spread across my face. He just nodded and motioned for me to continue. "Tray's gay." I said, my voice almost a whisper.

 "He's what?!" he yelled, sitting up soo fast I almost fell off of the bed. He grabbed my hand to keep me from hitting the carpet and pulled me back onto the bed.

 "Tray. Is. Gaayyyy." I giggled, adding extra emphasis on that one impaticular word. "I heard you. I was just When? Didn't you 2 date?" he asked, his eyebrow pinned in an upward direction of confusion.

 "He won't tell me, supposively a couple months ago, and yup." I chuckled, laying down next to him. "Wow." he sighed, pulling the covers back over his head, "I'm going back to sleep." he muttered. I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Your no fun." I frowned, walking back over to my bed.

 ~~2 more moths later~~ (Month 5)

  "So, Justin comes home in 2 weeks. What are we thinking?" Tray asked as we sat in the cafeteria with his new..ahem..boyfriend, Josh. Tray is now proud to admit his sexuality which still shocks me. I don't know if I should be happy or mortified.

 Being the last girlfriend of a now gay guy kinda makes me feel...intimidated in a since. Was I the thing that turned Tray away from girls? God, I hope not.

 "We are thinking that we'll just have to wait and see how we feel about Justin when he calls me." I pointed out, twirling my straw inside of my Diet Coke can.

 "So if your still inlove with him, you just dump Chaz and go back to Justin?" Josh asked, tearing off a piece of his sandwhich. "I dunno. I still love Justin and I will forever probably but, Chaz and I are stronger than ever. Aren't we, baby?" I asked, seeing Chaz walk behind me.

  "I have no idea what we're talking about. So, I'm just gonna say yes." he chuckled, sitting down next to me and unwrapping his burger. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand in mine, looking up at him.

 Do I really wanna go back to Justin? I mean, Chaz and I have been together for 5 months without a single argument. But, I still love Justin. God, what am I going to do?

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