Part 19

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Thanks for all of the awesome suggestions for the story!! TIme to find out who was really lying :D


 "How was the studio?" I asked, looking over at Justin who had just walked in the door. "Aight.'' he mumbled, looking down at the floor. "What's wrong, baby?" I asked, walking up to him and wrapping my arms around him.

 I am determined to find out if he's lying one way or another. Here's Plan A) Be all cute and give him anything he wants (well almost anything) to get the truth. Plan B) Yell!  Plan C) Yup! I have no Plan C but, A should work.

 "Nothing. Long day." he sighed, looking down at me. "I'm sorry. Wanna tell me about it?" I asked, pulling him into the livingroom and sitting him down on the couch. "Not really." he muttered. I rolled my eyes mentally and climbed behind him, my hands climbing up his back and resting at his shoulders.

 "You should take the day off tomorrow. Spend all day with me." I smiled, rubbing his shoulders. "I don't know, Tee. We're working on a new song and a new video, and..." his voice faded when I placed my lips on his neck. "Please?" I whispered, wrapping my arms around him.

 "I'll think about it." he finally said, turning himself around to face me. I sighed and placed my lips on his, kissing him passionately. "Please?" I whispered again, pushing him back on the couch.

 He smiled against my lips and slid his tongue into my mouth, wrapping his arms around me. After another few minutes of our makeout session, he pulled back and nodded. "Fine. I can stay home for one day." he sighed.

 "Yay!" I giggled, kissing him again. "How long have you had my shirt on?" he asked, his bad mood now gone. "All day." I chuckled, standing up again. "You look cute in it." he smiled. "Thank you." I smirked, walking into my room.

 "Night, Justin." I yelled. "Night, baby." he yelled back. I smiled to myself and closed the door, leaning myself against. So far..Plan A is working out perfectly.

 * * *

 "Good morning." I smiled, walking into Justin's room and jumping onto his bed. "Morning." he muttered, rubbing his eyes and turning over to face me. "I made you breakfast." I smiled.

 "Cap'n Crunch?" he asked. " Your favorite." I chuckled, motioning towards the kitchen. He kissed my cheek and jumped up out of bed, running into the kitchen.

 "After you eat, I have something special planned." I smiled, sliding into the seat next to him. "Really? What is it?" he smiled, his mouth full of cereal. "You'll see. Be patient."

 "Okay, what's this special thing you have planned?" he asked, chugging the milk out of the bowl and throwing it into the sink. "Come in here." I yelled, running into the livingroom.

 He nodded and walked in, sitting down on the couch. "What now?" he asked, looking over at me. "We're going to play 20 questions." I smiled, sitting infront of them.

 "What? That's your special thing?" he asked, crossing his arms. "Yup. You start." I giggled.

 (Italics are JB. Bold is Tee)

"Fine. Favorite color?"

"Orange. Favorite food?"

"Spaghetti. Favorite animal?"

 * * *

 "Pisces. Favorite perfume?"

 "PINK. Your new girlfriend's name?"

 "Jasmine. Your favor...No! Crap!" he muttered, running a hand through his hair. Ha! Thank you Plan A! "I knew it!" I yelled, jumping off of the couch and standing infront of him.

 "No. You were supposed to find out abo...I mean, you weren't supposed to find out about each oth...Your gonna kill me now aren't you?" he sighed, looking down at the couch.

 "Nope. You were honest so, I'm not going to kill you." I stated. He let out a breath. "But, I am breaking up with you." I added. "Teegan, I'm soo sorry. I was stupid to cheat.'' he sighed.

 "I don't care. Enjoy your life with this Jasmine chic." I sighed, walking into the bedroom and slamming the door behind me, tears falling from my eyes.

 I can't believe Chaz was right!

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