Part 36

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Thanks to PurpleBieberNinja for finding me that sexy pic of Bieber on Tough Love!! Check out that story, please :)


  I sat in the hospital bed, looking up at the ceiling. Apparently I had a severe allergic reaction to something. I layed back, staring up at the ceiling, my stomach swollen but, thank God not itching anymore.

 Just then the door flew open and Justin ran in, sitting down on the corner of the bed. "Oh my God, Teegan, I'm soo sorry. Are you okay?" he asked, grabbing my hand.

 I chuckled slightly and looked up at him, "I'm fine. And why are you sorry?" I asked, sitting up slowly. "Nothing. Why didn't you call me?" he asked, looking over at me.

 "I didn't wanna worry you. Your busy." I chuckled, laying my head on his chest. "I'm never too busy for you." he whispered. pulling my head up and leveling his eyes with mine.

 "I love you." I smiled, leaning closer to him. "Love you." he whispered, laying his lips on mine. I smiled against his lips and brought my hands to his hair causing him to groan and pull back.

 "What's wrong?" I frowned. "It's my fault, Tee. It's my fault your in here. I'm soo sorry. I feel like a total idiot. I should've never tried to prank you back." he babbled, jumping off the bed and running a hand through his hair.

 "Justin, honey, slow down. What are you talking about?" I asked. "I'm the reason your in here. I tried pranking you back by putting itching powder in your shirts. I thought it'd be funny but, then Ryan said that some people were allergic to it. I guess you were just one of those people." he frowned, starting to babble again.

 I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to shut him up but, the doctor walked in, looking over at me. "How are we feeling, Miss. Brooks?" he asked, eyeing Justin suspiciously.

 "Better. Less itchy." I chuckled, looking up at him. "Well, your free to head home whenever you like. We just wanted to make sure the reaction wasn't too severe." he sighed, smiling over at me and then walking back out the door.

 Justin took in a breath and looked over at me then started pacing again. "Okay. Stop. Justin, I'm not mad." I chuckled, standing up and walking over to him.

 "Your not?" he asked, turning around. "No. You didn't know. I didn't even know." I sighed, grabbing my clothes. He let out a breath and walked out of the room as I quickly got dressed.

 * * *

  I layed back on my bed, my stomach still sore, and my entire body aching from the uncomfortable hospital bed. "How ya' feeling, shawty?" Justin asked, peeking his head in through the door.

 "Glad to be home." I smiled, holding my arms out for him. He sighed and walked in, shutting the door behind him. "I'm really sorry, Teegan." he whispered, laying down next to me.

 "Drop it." I sighed, looking up at him and taking in a breath. He just nodded and kissed the top of my head. "C'mon. I want to show you something." he whispered, pulling away from me and standing up off of the bed.

I raised an eyebrow but, nodded and stood up off of the bed. "Are you okay?" he asked as I stood up. I just nodded and followed him into the kitchen, seeing a plastic grocery bag sitting on the counter.

 "You want to show me a bag?" I chuckled, looking up at him. "Yes, Tee. The bag." he said sarcastically, "Of course not. Open it." he smiled. I raised an eyebrow but, walked over to the bag, untying the top and looking inside the bag.

 "Cake mix?" I asked, pulling the box of vanilla cake mix out of the bag. He chuckled slightly and walked over to me, "I thought we could make our own wedding cake and I thought it'd be fun to make a practice cake before we screw up the real one." he smiled.

 I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly. Our own wedding cake? How much more cheesey can he get? "Okay. Sounds fun." I smiled, reading the side of the box of cake mix and walking over to the refrigerator, pulling out eggs, butter, and the carton of milk.

 "Okay. Now what?" I asked, flopping the ingredients from my arms and onto the counter.

 * * *

  "I don't think it's supposed to look like this." I frowned, looking down at the withered, lumpy, burnt, glob that was supposed to be a cake that sat on the counter infront of us. And truthfully, it looks like we got more of the ingredients on ourselves then we did in the batter.

  "We did everything the box said." Justin sighed, wiping flour off of his hands onto his jeans. "Maybe the directions are defective." I chuckled, wiping a puddle of egg yolk out of his hair.

 "Maybe we should just pay someone to make our cake.." he muttered, throwing the box into the trash and looking over at me. "Yeah, unless we want all of our guests to go home with food poisoning." I sighed, taking a fork out of the drawer and poking around at the cake.

 "It can't be that bad, Tee. I mean cake is cake, right?" he asked, taking the fork from my hands and pulling a piece of the cake up to his lips. He gagged loudly and quickly spit the burnt mass into the trashcan.

 "Yeah. We're hiring someone." he sighed, wiping his lips with the back of his hand.

Hey!! I'm soo glad ya'll are liking this story!!:) I found a new way to dedicate my chapters to my fans!! If you can answer the 2 trivia questions that I ask first, the next part will be dedicated to you!! If you answer just one, I'll mention you in the chapter and if get both wrong, then sorry!! You get nothing!! I will answer the questions on the next part also!! Okay, now for the questions!!

1) What does Justin Bieber want for his 18th birthday?

2) How does Justin tickle Selena without using his hands? (And no!! It's not dirty! Don't be a perv >.<)

Please Comment, Vote, Fan, and answer my questions!!! <3

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