Part 23

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  "Justin, I'm soo sorry." I sighed, seeing them wheel Justin into the ambulance. I jumped in without any admission and looked down at him. "It's okay. They said it's just a bad fracture. Nothing that bad." he smiled weakly then groaned as his leg shifted.

 "Nothing that bad my butt. I was supposed to be there." I frowned. "You couldn't caught me anyway. I would've hurt you more than I would have myself." he chuckled. resting his head on his arm.

"But you wouldn't be in here." I sighed, not meeting his eyes. "Tee, it's not your fault. If I didn't let go of the rock..thing.. I wouldn't have fell. I thought those cord things were suppose to keep you from hitting the ground. Every other one I've been on has." he frowned.

"Maybe you didn't put it on right." I sighed. "Yeah. Blame it on me." he teased, hitting my arm slightly. I just sighed and layed my head in my hands, looking down at the floor.

"Teegan, stop being soo upset about this. I've broken my foot before." he chuckled, lifting my head back up. "But that was your own stupidity. This was my fault." I sighed, looking down at him.

"No, it wasn't. If it was your fault, you would've been up there with me, loosing my straps and pushing me off." he chuckled slightly. I just sighed and kept staring at him, not saying anything. "Would it make you happy if I said it was your fault?" he scowled.

"Mmhmm."    He chuckled slightly, "Fine. It's your fault I fell." he sighed. "That just made me feel worse." I whined, dropping my head again and looking away from him. "How am I suppose to make you feel better then?" he asked.

"I don't know." I sighed, looking down at the metal floor again. "C'mon, Tee. Just.. just act like you weren't around when this happened. Act like I did it at another concert." he chuckled, squeezing my knee slightly.

 I nodded slightly and looked down at him, seeing him smile weakly and lean closer to me. 'Just Friends!' I told myself as I turned my lips to land on his cheek in a light peck. 

I heard him sigh and fall back on the bed, not looking at me now. "This whole.. 'just friends' thing isn't gonna work it?" I sighed, looking back down at the same spot on the floor. "Not really. Tee, I love you. I can't just hide those feelings."

I felt the red color on my cheeks as I looked back up at him. "I love you too but, you did cheat on me." I sighed. "I know and I was stupid to do something like that. Your the only girl I've ever loved." he smiled weakly.

''We'll see." I sighed, rubbing his forearm slightly. He let out a breath but, nodded as we arrived at the hospital. "Go with me?" he asked, looking up at me. I just nodded and followed them inside.

 * * *

"Does it still hurt?" I asked, looking down at Justin's cast.  "They gave me pain killers so..not right now." he shrugged. I sighed, "I'm real-"  "Don't say your sorry again." he frowned. "I was gonna say really hungry but... okay.." I mumbled, raising an eyebrow.

His cheeks turned red as he looked away. "Aw, wittle Justin is bwushing." I said in a baby voice. He stayed quiet and continued to look away from me. I chuckled and grabbed either side of his face, turning him to face me.

 "Let's see how much you blush when I do this." I chuckled,  leaning closer to him and running my hands up and down his chest. The color on his cheeks brightened slightly as soon as I pulled back. "Let's go eat. Maybe it could be our 2nd first date." I chuckled, walking off down the street.

I heard him groan and slowly follow behind me. "That was so uncool, Tee. Now we have a..small problem." he muttered the last part. I turned around and followed his gaze, my eyes widening. "Did I just give you a bo-"  "Shut up." he interrupted me.

I made a disgusted face but, continued walking. Once we got to McDonald's, I ran inside, waiting for Justin to follow. "Yeah. Leave the guy with the fractured foot to open the door himself.'' he sighed, walking in slowly.

"Don't forget the bo-"  "Tee!" he scowled. I smiled brightly before walking over to the counter, hearing squeals of girls around us. I ordered and looked beside me, almost having a heart attack, "How are you so quiet with that cast on?" I frowned. He chuckled.

"I'm a ninja." he chuckled, unwrapping his burger and throwing an arm around my shoulders. "Hey hey. None of that. This is our first date remember?" I smirked, pushing his arm off of me and sticking my tongue out at him.

 He frowned slightly but, turned his attention back towards his food. "Am I allowed to kiss you on the first date?" he asked quietly.  I raised an eyebrow and looked over at him. "What if it's like a lady and the tramp kiss?" he asked, placing a french fry in his mouth.

"No, we need spaghetti for that." I giggled. He frowned and shoved the rest of the fry in his mouth. "Then, let's go on a real date tonight." he suggested, "This isn't a good date spot. 'Specially with all the girls looking over here." he continued, looking around.

"Ok. You can pick me up at 6." I chuckled, pushing him out of the booth and sliding out. "So, you just leave me here?" he frowned. "I have to get ready." I smirked, waving. "Good luck with the girls." I added, as I pushed the door open and headed home.

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