Part 22

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I didn't like this chapter last time I posted it soo..I rewrote it with a twist!! Lol Hope this one is better!! And I won't be posting 2morrow!! I'll be at my bestie's house :D Love you Tee!! lol (JBieber4ever) Anyways...back to the story!


 After everyone left, I was back to my depressed state. I had nothing left to destract me from everything. Sure, Justin and I are friends now but, how long is that gonna last before my stupid teenage hormones kick in and I take him back?

 I flopped myself down on the couch which I could pretty much call my bed now, and looked down at the bracelet on the coffee table. He loves me? Maybe I should just take him back. He did apologize after all.

 Maybe.. We'll just wait and see how long this friendship thing lasts. I felt my cell phone vibrate from my pocket. I pulled it out and read the text.
'Hey, wanna do somethin? Like ol' times!' it read.

 I rolled my eyes. I'm gonna have to face him eventually. 'Sure. When?'     'Now!!!' he replied only seconds later. I raised an eyebrow but, grabbed  a pair of jean shorts and a tank top from my bag.

 Yeah, I still don't have my dresser back either. So, I'm stuck with my suitcase. After I changed, I walked out the front door.  As soon as I pulled my phone out to text Justin, I saw him standing in the driveway.

 "Oh. Well, hello to you too." I chuckled, walking over to him. "Ready?" he smirked, leaning against his Range Rover. "What are we doing?" I scowled. "You know I'm not gonna tell you. Let's just go.'' he chuckled, his hand brushing against mine but, he quickly pulled away.

 I rolled my eyes but, nodded as I slid into the car.  Justin looked over at me and smiled slightly before starting the car. After about a half an hour of silent driving, he parked the car and looked over at me.

 "Let's go?" he smiled, sliding out. I raised an eyebrow but, followed him. I looked up at the building behind us and made a face. "Rock climbing?" I asked, looking over at him.

 "It's fun. I promise." he chuckled, walking over to the door and holding it open for me. "Whatever you say, Bieber." I sighed, walking inside the building and staring up at the giant rock wall that stood infront of me.

 * * *

 "Justin, I'm going to die."  I yelled, my fingers gripping tightly onto the oddly shaped, blue knob that my now the only thing keeping me from hitting the floor. That and the harness of course.

 "Your doing good, Tee. Your not that far  from the top." he chuckled, looking up at me. I looked down at him and then above me, seeing atleast 20 feet of wall left.

 Oh God, please don't let me fall on my ass. Speaking of my ass, I'll bet Justin has an awesome view of it considering where he was standing and the length of my shorts.

 I swallowed loudly and lifted my foot onto another knob, praying silently that I wouldn't fall even though my harness would catch me. After slowly moving myself up the wall for anotherr few minutes, I finally got to the little bell at the top.

 I pulled the string causing the bell to chime loudly and without thinking, released my grip on the wall. I soon felt myself falling towards the ground and I shut my eyes tightly, a high-pitched squeal arising from my throat.

 I then felt a pair of strong arms around me as my expected feeling of the hard floor meeting my backside was declined. I heard Justin chuckle and I opened my eyes slowly, seeing his brown eyes locked onto mine.

 I blushed slightly and he slowly sat me on my feet. "My turn." he smiled, turning me around inorder to unstrap the harness from my waist. He reached behind my back, grabbing the buckle which was right below my talebone. I felt the red color on my cheeks as he loosened the strap, pulling himself closer to me.

  "You'll be down here to catch me if I fall, right?" he chuckled, finally pulling the harness off of me. "Right here." I sighed, trying to shake off the blush that now burned my cheeks.

He smiled slightly and slid into the harness, jumping up onto the wall. I couldn't help but, blush even brighter as he climbed farther up the wall. His butt the first thing noticable as soon as I looked up.

 Was that how it was for him when I was up there? I took in a breath and turned myself away from Justin, looking in the opposite direction. This 'Just Friends' thing officially sucks.

 The next thing I hear is a yell and a loud 'ow' from Justin, knocking me out of my train of thought. I quickly turned around, seeing him on the ground, holding his ankle tightly.

 "Are you okay?" I asked, kneeling down next to him.  "I'm fine." he sighed, tears in his eyes. Damn! Why did I have to be soo stupid?!? 'Way to keep your promise, Teegan!' I told myself, feeling extremely guilty.

I know it was short!! Sorry!! But I wanted to end it there!! NExt part will be longer! I promise!!

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