Chapter 12- Training ground 66

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Raven's pov

A cave.

It's in a cave.

I guess now I know why I was asked if I was afraid of the dark. I can't see jack-shit at the moment, and based on the sounds echoing out of the chilly cavern, I really don't think I want to. I know Ibiki doesn't like me, but damn. He probably assumes I'm going to die making my way through this stony tunnel. And he's right: I probably will. That being said, Ibiki doesn't know I hold two demons. Well... nobody does, save for granny, but that's besides the point.

I took a few steps forward, staring into the cave. I have a solid five minutes to get to wherever this training area is before I'm officially late. Assuming I don't run into anything too terribly dangerous, five minutes should be a perfectly good amount of time for me to sprint through the darkness like my life depends on it. Knowing him, there's bound to be some obstacle in there somewhere. 

I sighed, shaking out my hands. I heard Kuro chortle. I bet he and Igneous are secretly betting on how I'll go down again. I hope they're aware that when I die, they die. Whatever. This is fine. It's all fine. I won't die.

I considered turning my body to metal. It has its major disadvantages. Like the fact that I'm slow as fuck when I try to turn my entire body. I could also speed through if I so chose to. That seems like a better option. Like running across hot coals! Just uh... get 'er done! 

Taking a deep breath, I raced in, tempted to clench my eyes shut in a futile attempt to make this way less worse than it actually is. I refrained, because I'm a fucking genius, of course. I don't think I've ever run so fast. It's like when you turn the light off in the basement and then race up the stairs out of sheer, clearly-irrational fear. That's what's happening right now.

Something brushed against my arm, and I almost screamed. Key word being 'almost.' Yeah, I've actually got self-control for once in my sorry life. I surprise even myself sometimes. However, if I find out whatever I just touched is chasing me, it's game over. I will let out the shrillest, most ear-piercing shriek anyone has ever heard with absolutely zero hesitation. This may be a game to some, but it isn't one I'm playing.

A light appeared at the end of the tunnel, and I heard a grunt behind me, causing me to pale. Hah, okay, so let's see. No, no, and third of all, just to finish off, no. I don't know what's following me or why it is, but Ibiki better be ready to be used as a meat shield when I get to... wherever it is I'm going. What if this is all a trick and he doesn't show up? I'll set the forest on fire and let myself burn along with it if that's the case.

I skidded into what looked like a giant, underground clearing. It was in a dome-like shape, with several stalactites varying in size hanging above me. I whirled around to see if the thing following me had dared challenge me now that I could see, but there was nothing there. That's even worse! It's like when you lose sight of the spider you were hunting with a shoe.

"I'm surprised you made it past him." I whirled around to see Ibiki. Him? What the fuck? "And you're on time."

"No thanks to you." I grumbled back, folding my arms over my chest with a huff. Got to keep that teenager-persona in play. I don't want to be tarnishing my name or anything now.

"Let's begin." Ibiki decided before I could insult him or his bulbous head. Seriously, who were his parents? His skull is like, nearly twice as big as my tiny-Raven one. Should I be taking notes? Maybe it's a part of his diet. "First, Taijutsu."

"Wait, wha-" I sputtered, barely managing to turn my leg to metal before his foot slammed into it. I didn't move an inch, feeling rather paralyzed and extremely taken aback. I watched as the force of the kick seemed to travel back up and through his body, and in an instant he was on the ground, his hands moving to massage his foot on reflex. I winced a little bit.

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