Chapter 4- Adopted

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You don't understand how much I love this story.

I don't know why! I just love it so fucking much! It's my favorite thing in the world! 

Also, remember the orphanage.

Never forget the orphanage.

The orphanage will r i s e

The orphanage is important.

Worship the orphanage.

Be one with the orphanage- 

Raven's pov

"Alright, really, what skills do you have?" Kakashi looked almost bored, which is sort of rude seeing as he's the one who came here. I didn't drag his sorry ass into this dreary, crumbling building. "What do you mean?" I asked, cringing. The fire is still trying to escape me, but so far he hasn't stopped staring, so I've had no good chances to let it loose. It's beginning to burn my throat. I should honestly just melt this dick's mask off and laugh about it. Who cares if I get thrown in jail for maiming a man's face? He's getting far too nosy for comfort.

"Well, you're joining the ninja academy quite late. Nobody gets in this late without some sort of skill." He hummed. I pushed back my scowl, instead opting to looked as confused as humanly possible. I don't know what sort of actor I am, but by the dry look on Kakashi's face, I must not be all that good. "Nah, the Hokage put me in there for no perceivable reason whatsoever." I assured him with a firm nod.

"She's super calm and laid back." There goes Marta, selling me out just like the rest of the chumps here. "Nothing really scares her." 

"Anything else?" Kakashi averted his gaze from me to look at the girls, and I took this chance to let out a small puff of fire. Just enough to relieve some pressure. I don't know how, but nobody noticed. Not even Amanda who's been watching me like a damn hawk this whole time. They're on Kakashi's side. Jerks. Assholes. Respectable young women. Other insults. 

"She's not hurt easily and is the quickest thinker I've ever seen." I thought Amaya was my friend, but I guess I was wrong. Oh, oh, look. Lilly is opening her mouth. "Yeah, I accidentally dropped a glass plate on her foot." The traitor speaks. "She didn't even notice it had happened until I apologized."

"And I accidentally spilled hot chocolate on her. She didn't even flinch." Amanda is basically their leader, so that means I can blame my murder on her. She's the one giving this creepy man all this creepy information. I really didn't know these girls were this damn observant. I should have exhibited more caution. "The director was carrying a huge stack of plates to the cupboard!" Oh my God she remembers that. "She dropped them, and Raven caught all of them! All of them!"

"Interesting." That must be one of the only words he knows, because it keeps coming up. This is seriously starting to make me nervous. "She's good at hiding emotion and is really smart." I can't really be mad at Mika because she's complimenting me, but I still have a right to glare at her for giving that information to the enemy. 

"I see. Well, Raven, would you like me to adopt you?" Kakashi turned to me, and my eyes immediately widened. Okay, hell no. I knew it. I knew it. This man is part of some pedophilic cult that sacrifices young girls to a god that doesn't exist. I called it. I knew this man was bad news the second I saw him. I may as well dive out the window now, because if I don't, my arms and legs will be cut off while I'm still alive as I'm thrown into the pedophile-flames of molestion, if that's even a word.

"Why?!" I shrieked, my hand falling from my mouth. I pointed shamelessly. "You're a pedophile, aren't you?!" I got him now. How will he dodge a direct confrontation. 

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