Chapter 9- Gigantor the Almighty

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I'm gonna make a real effort to update this more hhhh

I edited this puppy on a phone so typossss

Kakashi's pov

I pressed my lips together as I gazed down at Raven. I really don't want a repeat of yesterday. Being flipped onto my stomach with my arms pinned behind my back isn't my favorite way to start the morning. I'll have to tread lightly. Play it safe. Touching her is a no-go, so I'll have to rely on something else to get her up and out of bed. I cleared my throat. "Raven," I kept my voice soft, "it's time to get up."

She moved ever so slightly, and my back went rigid as something whizzed past me. I turned around, staring in absolute horror at the pen that had embedded itself into the wall. A plastic pen, at that. I immediately turned around and trudged right out of the room. A trip to the hospital is yet another way I don't like starting my mornings. I need to be smart about this. I should have purchased a long-range water fun when I had the chance.

I stood in the hall, peering into the room. I took a deep breath. I did the only thing I could think of to wake her up. I opened my mouth and let out the loudest scream I could muster up.

Raven's pov

I woke up to the most horrifying scream I have ever heard in my life. It made me fall right out my damn bed and onto the cold, hard ground. I immediately zoned in on Kakashi, who snapped his mouth shut upon seeing me awake. I stared at him with a dry glare. I truly hope it conveys my complete and utter amusement. I'm sure he can feel it rolling off in waves.

Kakashi and I stared at each other for a full five seconds before he decided it was probably a good idea to, you know, run. Smart man. If he'd hung around, I most definitely would have killed him with the plastic spork I keep tucked between my boobs for emergencies.

I managed to get up and trudged towards the door. I slammed that damn thing shut as hard as I could. Hopefully he gets the message. If he does that again, I'm killing him. Like really, really killing him. His head will be removed from his body. I know I almost killed him with a pen, but who's fault is that? Besides, I needed a place to hang my backpack anyway.

I grabbed the backpack, slamming the door back open. I know I'm acting like a brat, but my life flashed before my eyes. I woke up to some freaky-ass banshee shriek that just about made me start crying and begging for my pathetic little life. I think I should be allowed to be at least a little mad. Pedophilic man randomly adopts you? Wakes you up by screaming like he's being murdered? That's two red flags.

I took a quick shower. It was a pain to ignore Igneous's pleas to use scented soap. I managed. I was in, and then I was out, getting dressed and ready to go in my usual attire. Faintly, I could hear Kakashi moving about somewhere else in the house. I sighed, pinning my braided bangs up as I trudged back across the frigid hallway and back into my bedroom. I hung my portable room on the pen embedded in the wall. It stayed. See, I wasn't trying to kill Kakashi! I was just unconsciously trying to decorate while being innovative at the same time.

I made my way downstairs. 'Hey Kuro,' I said, 'I was thinking we could uh... Create something.'

"Like what?" He asked curiously.

'I'm not really sure. Something new. If I'm going to need a ninja, I'm gonna need some cool shit tucked up my sleeve to make up for everything I can't do.'

"Sounds reasonable. Any ideas?" He hummed.

'I'm prone to injury, so I'm thinking something with healing properties. I'm about to become a ninja... As if I didn't get injured enough before.' I scoffed slightly.

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