Chapter 7- Academy time. Oh joy.

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Raven's pov

I entered the academy a few minutes late. It is only my first day, so they'll probably let it slide. If not, then I'll probably just bail on this whole place for not being chill. I've never really been to school. I went when I was younger, I guess, but was quickly pulled out. Homeschooling was alright though. At least my parents, if I can even call them that, didn't let me grow up with the intelligence of a five year old. 

I looked around, wondering where I was supposed to go. This place was huge. I wish Kakashi had given me a room number or even a name to go off of. Looking around, this place doesn't look like a school, really. It looks more like some sort of office building. The air here is cold too. And it's far too quiet for my liking.

I spotted a lady working at a desk. She's got to be the receptionist here. Unsure of how I hadn't noticed her sitting smack dab in the middle of this wide, spacious, completely empty area, I approached her. She looked up at me with clear annoyance when I approached. I stared back with a relatively blank face. 

"May I help you?" Her tone was full of faux sweetness.

"I need to know where the graduating class is."

"You see that hall? It's the fifth door on the right. There should be a plaque with the name 'Iruka' on it." She said, her tone never changing. I had to wonder why she was working in a school. She clearly wasn't enjoying herself, and she didn't seem to like talking to people either. I would have bolted long ago if I were her. I guess you've got to admire her for holding out for... well, for however long she's been here.

"Thank you, ma'am." I bowed slightly. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise as though she were expecting me to scoff, roll my eyes and march off like a moody teen. I shrugged at her. "At least someone has some manners." I heard her grumble. I blinked at her, shrugging once again because that's all I could really do, before taking off towards the hall she'd pointed to. 

I stopped at Iruka's door, glad it was there and I didn't have to go back and ask again. I took in a deep breath. It's going to be fine. I should have come earlier so I could slip in, but in ways this is better. This way I won't accidentally take someone's seat or whatever. I don't really know what's socially incorrect anymore. I guess it doesn't matter much. I won't be in the academy long.

I opened the door, and immediately everyone went silent, which was just great. The teacher seemed to brighten when he spotted me, and murmurs swept through the room. Only I could hear pretty much everything everyone was saying thanks to my hearing. Teenage boys are horny, girls and jealous because boobs, and everyone thinks my eyebrows are on fleek.

"You must be the new student! Come in, come in! Come on down here and introduce yourself." The man I'm assuming is Iruka urged. I glanced about the room as I trudged down the steps. People stared, taking in my outward appearance as though that would tell them what sort of person I was. I contemplated making them think I was weaker than I actually was, but realized that I wouldn't need to fight these people. This wasn't like back home. I didn't need to be underestimated right now. 

"Can you tell the class your name?" Iruka chirped once I arrived by his side. I shrugged vaguely, and he twitched a little. I probably shouldn't get on my teacher's bad side. I'm pretty sure he's the one who has to pass me. "Raven." I grumbled out, just loud enough for everyone to hear. I scuffed the heel of my boot against the ground. When am I going to get to sit down? I don't like people, and I especially don't like them staring at me. 

"Any questions?" Iruka's question made me blanch slightly. Fuck.

"Do you like Konoha so far?" Someone questioned. I blinked, shrugging my shoulders, something I seemed to be doing a lot lately. I guess it wouldn't hurt to answer that question, right? I can always lie.

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