Chapter 8- Intruder alert!

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Raven's pov

Well, the first day of the academy was just as boring as I thought it was going to be. We literally learned about going undercover, and hiding from enemies. Which is exactly what I'm doing at this very second. Sure, my name is Raven, but I'm pretending I'm an orphan with no surname that's traveled the world. In reality I'm a runaway bunking out here until the storm moves on. It's not like I've been caught yet. 

So basically, I've got the subject down.

I said goodbye to Naruto, promising I would eat whatever ramen is with him tomorrow. He seemed horrified to learn that I'd never had it. Apparently it's some sort of noodle soup stuff with loads of toppings that was a gift from the gods above. He seemed pretty passionate about it, so it can't be too bad. I'll eat almost anything at this point though, so I guess it wouldn't matter. 

I walked towards Granny Momo's house, not sure what else I was to do. I could see her sitting on her front porch knitting. It looked like the beginnings of a scarf, or maybe a sweater. I don't know anything about knitting so it's whatever. It's probably going to end up being a hat and I'll have been wrong. "Hey, Granny Momo." I greeted as I approached. She smiled, looking up as though she'd known I was coming.

"Hello dear, how was your first day at the academy? Did you make any friends?" She questioned as I climbed the steps onto the porch, sitting on the deck. I leaned up against the house with a sigh. I guess Naruto counts as a friend now. We're both on the same boat in the demon department, although I'm sure his is far more hostile than mine are. Having two makes up for it though. They argue so much they might as well be kicking me in the brain. 

"I guess it was alright. Really boring in my opinion, but I did make a new friend." I shrugged. She seemed to brighten at this, her hands continuing on with the... whatever that's going to be. Kuro and Igneous will probably make bets over it later. "Really? And who might that be?" Granny asked. 

"His name is Naruto Uzumaki." I said. She seemed to brighten more, sitting back in her seat. The gleam in her eyes told me she was keeping something from me. I'd seen that look before, far too many times to be okay. I perked up. "What do you know?" My tone was joking, but I was dead serious. I know I'm keeping secrets of my own, but I don't like things being kept from me. I know that's weird, but it's just the way I am. 

"That boy is special. I feel quite bad for him. I suppose you've already figured out that I know something, so I'll have to tell you, so long as you swear not to tell anyone else." She paused, looking at me. I nodded readily. She let out an almost morose sigh. "He holds the Nine Tailed fox. His father, the forth Hokage, sealed it in him. The dolts that live here are far too thick to figure out the boy's heritage. He's treated like garbage by most. I'm glad he's found friendship with you."

Well... I knew about the demon thing, but not the Forth Hokage. I can't believe people don't know. I don't think Naruto does either. He told me he'd never met his parents when we talked about how the both of us were orphans. I thought about it. Granny trusted me with this piece of information, and I think it may be more serious and important that she realizes. "Granny, can I tell you something if you promise not to tell?" I feel like I can trust her. Besides, I'll eventually spill to someone if I don't tell soon. It's been eating at me. I'm living a lie here. 

"My lips are sealed." She promised simply, her knitting needles never stopping. I took in a deep breath.

"I have two demons sealed inside of me." I blurted out. "U-Uh, there's the demon dragon Ignous and the demon crow, Kuro. They're both... er, tamed, and we're really good friends! They won't hurt anyone, I swear. They've been with me through it all and have never tried to escape." I defended immediately as her knitting froze, her head snapping in my direction. Here eyes were wide with surprise. 

The Raven Chronicles: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now