Chapter 5- My portable room

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Raven's pov 

Kakashi led me to my new home, which was out of the way of the rest of the village. It was near the edge of some woods, which I was thankful for. Although, it did make me a bit nervous. Nobody could hear me scream out here. Kakashi is a pretty weird dude. I don't actually think he's a pedophile, but you never know. I mean, he saw me climb out a window and then decided it'd be good to adopt me. Who does that?

The man opened the door for me and led me inside. His house felt like a log cabin to me, cozy and warm. As I looked around, my stomach decided it would be a good time to demonstrate the perfect whale call. Really, it was spectacular. I guess living off of mostly forks for four days has taken its toll on my body. I'm not surprised.

"We have some food in the kitchen if you want something." Kakashi said. I pursed my lips contemplatively. I really can't hide it, can I? I'm going to be living with this man for a while, so he's going to need to know unless I want to become a criminal who breaks into hardware stores and steals anything they can carry. While that would be sort of badass, it probably isn't a good idea for someone who's in hiding.

"Hey, Kakashi?" I called hesitantly. "Yeah?" He responded idly, setting the groceries down on the pinewood table before turning to me. I practically withered under his stare, fidgeting like a kid about to confess to something they'd done wrong. I mean, I just eat metal. It really isn't that big a deal, right?


"...I need some metal." There, I said it. It came out. He's about to know. 

"Um... why?" Of course he's asking questions. I just... I wish he wouldn't. I know I need it to survive because of the types of demons I have in me. They thrive off this stuff, especially Igneous. I know Kuro likes the metal; although, I'm not sure why. I think he derives nutrients from it or something. I never ask questions when it comes to them. 

"I just need some." I shrugged as casually as possible, as though it weren't a big deal. He stared at me for a few extremely awkward seconds. I stared back. He better get me some damn metal or he's gonna have a missing child's case on his hands. I'm not staying here if there's no food. I will put myself back in the orphanage because damn this place if there's nothin' to eat. 

"...Alright." Kakashi cleared his throat slightly, moving down the hallway at a pace that was excruciatingly slow. I stared after him, standing there patiently as I waited for him to find something for me to fill my deprived stomach with. He didn't take as long as I thought he would, honestly. I don't think I was even there a minute before he returned with an iron crowbar. It didn't look used at all, and I had to wonder why he had it in the first place. I decided not to worry about it too much. 

"Er, here." He handed it to me.

"This isn't important is it?" My mouth was watering, and I prayed to the heavens above that it wasn't. "No, why?" Kakashi's response made my day. I was ready to fall to my actual legit knees and cry. My day can't get any better now. This man has become my all time favorite man, all because he gave me food. God bless. 

"Sweet." I sniffed it. "I'm hella hungry. Living off forks is definitely not the way to go."

And with that, I took a huge bite out of that crowbar. And damn was it good. 

Kakashi gaped, staring at me wide eyed. I hummed, closing my eyes as I savored the metallic taste that filled my mouth. It was heavenly. I know I have two demons sealed in me, so I sure as hell hope this holy divine piece of iron doesn't burn them with it's sheer grace.

"You eat metal." Kakashi breathed. "Oh my- you eat... you eat metal!"

"Can't survive without it." I said, taking another bite. I did a mini dance in place at the taste, the one you do out of reflex when you're super happy. It was a good day. A very good day. "How though? Why? What's happening?" Kakashi looked like he'd just woken up in the middle of the woods naked with no memory of what had happened or how he'd gotten there. It was almost comical. But he just gave me food and I'm like, super thankful so I'm not going to laugh.

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