Chapter 3- Kakashi

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Raven's pov

I sat down on my bed, bored out of my mind as I watched all the girls chat and giggle. They're annoying at first, but I have to admit, they've grown on me. I've only been here a few days, but their persistence and determination is somewhat endearing. Although, they fact that they ask me for fashion advice is sort of annoying, not to mention awkward. I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to tell them that I don't know anything about clothes. Whatever, they seem alright with what I tell them. 

The Hokage told me I'd be starting the ninja academy tomorrow. I'm quite excited to learn more about... that stuff. Chakra. I've never heard of it before, but apparently I have it. A lot of it. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing yet. I only know what it's called, not what it does. I wish I did so I could hurry up and learn to use it. Kuro insists I just need to be patient. I think he knows what it is, and Igneous too. He starts giggling if I think about it too much. 

"Girls!" The direction appeared in the door, her face alight with excitement and slight panic. "We have a visitor! Hurry, hurry, get ready!"

She closed the door just as quickly as she opened it, and the room was immediately in a frenzy. I was blown away at their frantic behavior. Who knew a stranger coming around was such a big deal. "We haven't had a visitor in months!" Amanda's exclamation was full of joy and anticipation. "Hurry!" Suki cried out in response. I could only sit on my bed and watch the chaos occur, dumbfounded. 

"Pink or purple, Raven?" Mika ran over, two dresses in hand. I didn't hesitate. 

"Purple." The color of my shirt. 

"Which shoes?" Amaya asked came to me next. 

"Which dress are you wearing?" I may as well act like I actually know what I'm doing. No need to embarrass myself. "The pink one with ruffles." She answered. "The one I showed you yesterday."

"Cat heels." I'm not sure what the other pair was called. 

If I've learned anything at all about these girls, it's that they don't dress up to look pretty. I mean, they do, but it's deeper than that. They dress up nice to make it look more. It makes them feel better about themselves. They have nobody but each other and their clothes. People in the streets look at them with pity. They just want to blend in, and to seem like they have someone. Anyone, really. 

The orphanage has no money, and most of the girls here are too young to get jobs. They get clothes from donations, and they want to prove something. What they want to prove is probably something I'll never know. I don't know how they feel. I don't think the same as them, and I think that's okay. I just hope one day they get what they want. What they're looking and waiting for. 

"Raven, can you do hair?" Suki's question caused everyone to turn to me. There aren't many girls in the orphanage, which is a good thing. There are six, including me. Amanda, Suki, Mika, Lilly, Marta and Amaya. Along with the director, they've formed some sort of family. I really don't know what I'd call them. But I am glad. 

"Uh... I can try?" What should have sounded like a statement came out as a question, but Suki still sat down. She handed me a few hair ties. I swallowed thickly, rubbing my hands together and taking in a deep breath. I'd seen hair done before a few times. I'd even had mine done, against my will, more than once. If I could just remember the patterns...

Using what speed I could siphon off of Kuro without him getting pissy about it, I swiftly braided her hair the same way  I used to have mine braided as a child. I had never liked the look, and was glad when I was able to drop it and go with the one I liked. I braided her hair in a waterfall braid, and it turned out pretty damn good if I do say so myself. 

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