Chapter 6- Granny Momo

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Kakashi's pov

I walked into Raven's room, my eyes landing on her still-sleeping figure. The alarm clock I'd given her was nowhere to be seen. I've read that females are especially moody in the mornings, which is why I'm wondering just how I should do this. This is a delicate situation. One wrong move and I could have a raging female to deal with. One who eats metal, and can turn her body into the substance. I don't even want to know what a kick from her would be like. 

I lightly touched her shoulder, and she was up in second. I was on my stomach in seconds, my arms pinned behind my back. She sat on my legs, her whole body could and heavy. I could hear her breathing heavily, and twisting my head around, I could see her pupils turning to fearful slits. Her eyes flared threateningly, and mine narrowed. That was quite the reaction. But why's she look so... so terrified?

I stared at her patiently. She was quick to let go, clenching her eyes shut as she moved off of me. She brought her hands up to her face, rubbing her eyes. "Sorry." She sighed, trying to hide the tremor in her voice. She wasn't doing a very good job. "It was a force of habit."

"It's okay, Raven." I pushed myself up. Something happened to this girl. I don't know what it was that happened to her, but it couldn't have been anything good. Based on her reaction, she was attacked in her sleep, and more than once too. I doubt she'll tell me. I'm a stranger who randomly took her in. She didn't even want to tell me about her need for metal. 

I ended the awkward silence that had formed. "Anyway, you're going to be late for the academy if you don't hurry." I informed. I watched her cheeks puff out as she pouted, her eyes narrowing. Her body slumped in a resigned sort of way that made me smile slightly. No matter what Raven's been through, she's still a kid. She deserves to get to be one, because I doubt she did back wherever she came from. 

Raven's pov

"Alright, where's the bathroom again?" I sighed as I stood. Kakashi followed in suit, stretched his arms over his head. I rolled my shoulders. "First door on the left." He told me. I grabbed my bag, trudging past him as he popped his neck. I still felt shaken from him waking me up. I'd never really woken up to anything nice or anything one would consider "normal." I was used to that. But now, Kakashi was lightly touching my shoulder, trying to softly urge me out of my half-sleep state. I didn't know if I liked it or not.

Closing and locking the door, I set my bag down on the center of the floor. Opening the flap on top, I didn't hesitate to jump right down in. The portable room was something I was familiar with. Something I liked. It was enjoyable to be in there. It was something that belonged to me. Never had I been given much in life, so this was special. This space was mine, and no one else's. 

Grabbing one of the few replicas of the outfit I was wearing out, as well as some peppermint scented shampoo and conditioner, I found myself once again rummaging around in the chest full of scented soaps I'd managed to collect until I found the vanilla scented body wash. All the fumes were nearly unbearable, but I dealt with it. I had to, if I didn't want to hear from Igneous. 

I could honestly care less what I smell like, but Igneous, the demon dragon sealed inside of me, is absolutely obsessed with soaps. He things they're the best, smartest things us humans have ever come up with. He absolutely loves them, and Kuro and I can't figure out why. He's a dragon, he always smells like metallic ash. But ever since I was bathed in a lime-scented soap at the age of five, he's been absolutely hooked. 

"Oh boy!" He squealed. "I love the peppermint and vanilla mix!"

"You're a pathetic excuse for a demon." Kuro grumbled. He's always been somewhat ashamed of his roommate, but what can he really do? "I'm not even a demon, and I have to agree." I muttered. I felt Igneous pout, further proving our point. He's acting like a teenage girl. Like, a legit one, not a defective one like me. It's a little creepy, seeing as he's an ancient draconic being. 

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