Natalie Dallas

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I'm Natalie Dallas, yup Cameron's little sister.
I'm 17, I like to listen to any kind of music. I also do covers on any kind of music and I sing some of my own. My best friend Nayeli helps my write songs since she's a song writer. I'm pretty much a goofball to everyone. I like playing video games and eating! I guess you can say I'm a regular teenager.
I hang out with Matthew so much, he's my best guy friend. I also hang out with rest of the boys...but when I hang out with Taylor, he always makes my heart skip a beat. I guess you can say I have feelings for him. The bad thing about that is that Matt and Cam get so mad when I'm around him. I mean I understand Cam's reason, but why would Matt? I love making people smile and laugh, it makes me smile ☺. Although sometimes its hard. I'm suicidal. It started when when I got bullied by the two most popular girls in school, Sophia and Tiffany. Ever since they started bullied me, I started having panic attacks and started getting really depressed and suicidal. I'm truly trying to put it all in the past and never think about cutting and  suicide... But more problems are starting and I can't handle them.

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