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**So I already posted the first chapter of the Jungkook fanfic, so please check it out when y'all have the time ^^**

Last Chapter of this Book huhuhu....btw it's not edit so there's some mistakes

V finished videotaping the scene that the three have witness, he then searched for James number and shortly send it to him.

"You sent it already?" Jungkook says while he sucks on a lollipop.

"Yups ..get him to freak out a little" he chuckles.

Lea rushed over to wash her hands on the bloody sink leaving the electrocuted man left dead inside the room while the three walks out the building ready to head out home.

Suddenly V halted causing the two to stop as well.

"What is it uncle?" Lea shot up to stare at her uncle.

V didn't answer her question except rethink about the what he had heard through the phone call and when searching their home. He was putting all the puzzles together which he's really good at solving the problem.

He then swift his body around facing the two and he smiled in glee.

"I think I know where Aleeya is" he says biting down his lower lip.

"Okay well tell us" Jungkook says.

V then stares at Lea asking her to find any information about house next door. While she starts searching V and Jungkook hurriedly walks out of the building hopping in the car as they drove speedily through the night.

V explained to Jungkook that when him and Jimin were still young they happened to be playing around the house, which is now occupied by the Makato's. He remembers that there was one hiding spot he hid so well that Jimin hardly ever found him. They finally found V late in the midnight hiding inside a wall that happened to be a very small box sized.

This thought made V wonder if that's where they're hiding Aleeya, which is why they couldn't find her in the first place. But because the house is now renovated to be more glamours V couldn't remember which room was the box wall was located.

"We have to hurry ..I have a feeling James is doing something to Lynn right this instant" Jungkook says now powering more speed in the car.

Almost two minutes from the mansion V got a call from Lea. Lea clarified there they're were six bedroom and three bathrooms and, but other than that no information about the boxed walls.

He thanked her for the message then hanged up getting his shot gun to shoot James and his family once and for all.

They finally reached the mansion but when they got there the lights were turned off and entering the home grew dead and eerie.

"Lynn!? Lynn?! Babe! Where are you!?" Jungkook shouted. He ran up the stairs into his room only to find traces of blood on the floor which leaded to the bathroom.

His sweats trickled down his forehead and down his neck rapidly. He became intensively bothered that whatever is in the bathroom he wouldn't want to even witness. Tears automatically formed around his eyes as he bit down his lip ready to grab the handle but unable to open it due to the uneasiness inside him.

"L-Lynn" his voice became croaked. He then closed his eyes and in a count of three he opened the door witnessing a head facing his view, her hands extending from the tub and the more Jungkook moved closer he covers his mouth witnessing that Lynn was now drowning her own pool of blood. Her arms were shredded with thousands of cuts that drips effortlessly on the ground.

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