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Jungkook couldn't believe what she just said he didn't think she'd have the guts to even say such a thing, but she did and he can't even come up with a back up idea to shut her down.

"Well aren't you going to kill yourself or what?" she ask one last time.

In fact he kept quiet only to glare back before leaving the room closing it shut.

As for Lynn she sat there eyeing him leave with only a small chuckle shaking her head. "He's not man enough to admit to anything he's done to me.." She says.


I headed to the deserted living room where I plumped slouching down sighing deeply. For the first time ever I didn't even feel like harming her ...my hands didn't want to be in contact with her face after seeing what I've done I can't seem to do it again even if part of me was angry at her remark earlier.

Minutes of thinking over my thoughts till all of a sudden my phone ringed, I fetched my phone from my pocket to see Jin hyungs caller ID.


"Jungkook so how did it go? Is she finally dead?"

I could feel that he wanted to celebrate any second now but unfortunately I'm about to break his little joy.

With a deep breath I smiled and said "Yes..I burned her body..hyung ..she's gone so leave it" I said and hanged up.

But hyung kept calling and calling till I grew annoyed and made the phone on silent mode.

With deep in thoughts comes back to reality when the banging of the door started to echo throughout the house. I stood up grabbing the key heading to her room, ignoring her would be difficult since she won't stop calling my name out loud.

I immediately unlocked the door only to have her hitting my chest but then stopped when she saw me.

"Okay what now what do you want?" I lazily speak.

"Where's the bathroom"

"So you can escape?"

"Yes and also I need to pee" she bluntly said leaning her body against the door side.

From what I can tell her body seems to becoming well, but still there's plenty of bruises and scars existing on her skin, that won't ever go away.

"So can I use the bathroom or what?" She ask.

"No worries I won't escape...I'm pretty sure you won't let me anyways. And besides I know psychopaths likes to play with their victims before murdering them later" she winked at me before shoving her shoulders against mines

Baffled and stunned at how bluntly she's been talking, I couldn't help but feel a bit worried for my safety and i shouldn't be feeling like this at all especially at a girl.

I followed her as she walks to the nearest bathroom, she slammed the door while I waited outside.

Five minutes later she comes out not even eyeing me back as she heads to her room. Before she could close the door my foot blocked it, she gave me an eye which wasn't very inviting.

"What now?" She ask annoyingly.

Honestly I had no intentions of talking to her for awhile, she's giving me attitude that I should not even dare cross the line. With her new aura in the room she made my demons run for their lives, she's different someone that I'll have a hard time getting along with and for some reason I'm beginning to feel a bit small.

"Hey..Jungkook you're phone is glowing from your pants" she says eying my pocket.

That shot me back once again to reality as I fished out my phone. I looked back at the caller ID and it wasn't Jinna thanked God, but my soon to be wife Stella.

I glanced at Lynn who just seemed to be waiting for me to take the call which I eventually did.

"Hello?" I said clearing my throat.

"Hi oppa..I was wondering where you are"

I put on a smile but tried avoiding Lynns gaze, tho it didn't stop me from trying to take a sneak peak of her every now and then.

"Ohh..Uhm I'm with a friend right now and I'm kind of busy, but I'll be home shortly I just need to talk to someone before returning" I told her. She let out a cute chuckle and with an okay from her she hanged up.

I pursed my lips while I bit the lower part of it as I happen to stare back at Lynn who had zero expression on her face.

We couldn't really say anything to each other about having new people in our lives because we pretty much found someone else on our own, with Aiden by her side and with Stella by mine we couldn't even try to have an argument since its both of our faults for disposing each other.

"So can I leave now..I won't bother you if that's what you want"

That i cannot let it happen, if she gets out in public Jin will know that I was lying about her being dead, I need her to stay here till everything clears out.

"I can't let you leave...not yet actually. I need you do me a favor"

She furrowed her brows as she stepped back a little. "But I don't want to stay here forever! I need to see my daughter!"

I automatically held both her shoulders as she gasp in fright. I looked at her straight in the eye tilting her chin up to meet my gaze.

"Listen to me and listen well. My oldest hyung has issues with you whatever it is, he ordered me to kill you apparently I lied and told them that you are dead. So in the meantime I need you to stay here for couple of days or so, I'll get you an apartment with Aleeya ..and stay away from Aiden" I warned.

With her trying to process everything her eyes fluttered as she stared right in my dark misty eyes.

"Why are you helping me?" tears were forming underneath her eyes, and I could feel my heart dropping any second now.

"You have to be alive Lynn ..for the sake of your child. I was wrong for all the things I've done, that wasn't me whoever it was that Jungkook is gone now. Lynn please you have to believe me when i tell you that my hyung will start hunting you down if he finds you." I told her.

Tears finally rained on her cheeks, she then pushed me off as she started to charge through the door till I got a hold of her body.

She screamed and kicked with all her might but still her body was sore due to the harsh pains she'd received from me.

"Lynn please you have to listen to me!"

"Shut up shut up shut the hell up! I've been tortured enough, lied to and manipulated! I won't believe in anything you say, your a piece of shit, a psychotic twisted full of crap! Just fucking leave me alone and my daughter!" She burst into tears holding her head as she crumbled to the floor.

I crawled to the floor about to reach her hand but shoved it away as she back her body hitting the wall glaring at me deeply.

"And why should I pretend to die when I was already dead to you in the first place"
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Psychopath IV •• J.J.K    [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now