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Holding the ragged doll I marched my way along with the nurse who's taking me straight to Lynn. Every step I took got my heart beats in an impulse high and fast, I'm still kind of baffled on how I got this girl to live with me, supposedly she's my maid but turned into my girlfriend and now she's having a baby which its not even mine.

My mind set back to reality when we finally reached her room and the nurse extended her hand to pull open the sliding door.

Once inside I witness Lynn holding the baby in her arms caressing it gently unaware that we just entered the room till the nurse spoke to her. She shot back at me with distressing panic expression, she instantly looked away only to gaze back at her baby who was sleeping peacefully.

"Lynn your boyfriend is here to see you" the nurse spoke calmly. Lynn didn't say a word only kept her eyes on the baby. The nurse checked her vital signs and her heart rate and when everything was good she bowed at us excusing herself.

With her looking the other way I pulled up a chair by the windows sitting down keeping quiet while I watched her lulled the baby in her arms. It was a beautiful scenery to witness but I kept getting this feeling that this event happened before almost like a dèjá vu moment, but as always I shrugged off the puzzling thoughts.

Minutes passed and silence only filled the room. I was beginning to get impatient for the most part I wanted to hold the baby, see what she looked like fully and most importantly I needed to have a word with her. An apology for my actions hoping that she'll accept it.

She finally called my name stunning me a bit. I looked over, her eyes once again vulnerable with worry. For now I'll just have to listen to what she has to say before I end up in attack mode again.

"What is it that you need?" I calmly responded.

She hesitated for a second but then started to speak. "You're really nice and very loving guy ..but"

Is she going to blurt out what I think she's going to say? There was no way she's doing this after all I've done for her she's going to end it like that? Without giving me a chance? This won't do.

"You want our relationship to end.." I spoke for her. I glanced down at my feet not even meeting her gaze anymore, it was a stinging pain in my chest that probably won't recover for awhile.

"Uh..Uhm yeah..this isn't working. Th-thanks for everything you've done for me I really appreciate it" she said.

I end up chuckling at her words, there is a reason as to why she's leaving me in the first place. It was obvious and it really stupid for her to lie in front of me. "No it's not that it isn't working ..your just afraid of me..afraid I'd do something to you ..Right!" I yelled at her.

Her eyes were once again in fear, her back pressed on the bed board as she held her baby closely. I fluttered my lashes thinking what I'm doing right now, my actions were scaring her which is why she wants to break up. But honestly I really don't want her to leave ..not ever.

I immediately kneeled down bowing to her. She peeped down watching me begged for forgiveness, I kept apologizing and convincing her my actions will not be tolerated.

"Lynn I'm so sorry for harming you I really shouldn't have done the things I did, that's not me. I'm so sorry babe, working in the office for way too long made this way and again I'm so sorry for everything ..please don't leave I'll take care of her ..our daughter I'll be a good father I promise"

I rose up from the ground and kneeled again holding her free hand lacing it around with mines. It was cold and i rubbed it with both my hands making warmth for her. Tears drip down my cheeks begging her to not leave, after much of pleading in the end she gave up nodding her head giving me a second chance.

She wiped my tears away as I got up hugging her dearly.

"Would you like to hold her?"

I nodded as she handed me our beloved daughter which hasn't been named yet. I sat back down on the chair caressing her delicate rosy cheeks with my thumb, so smooth and fragile like a dolls face.

"Hi baby..I'm your new dad. I don't know where your real father is but I hope you can accept me as one" I then lean in kissing her small cheeks as she giggled cutely.

"She likes you" Lynn spoke.

"With that smile she almost kind of look like you ..weird isn't it?" She chuckles awkwardly.

Glancing at the new born baby realizing that it kind of did resembles me the smile just like mine, but then again we both could be wrong.

"She looks more like you though, a very beautiful baby girl"

"So what are we naming her?" I ask cheerfully.

She thought for a minute then gasp as if she found the answer to a math question.

"How about Aleeya? Putting your twin daughters name together Ailee & Lea which is Aleeya?" She laughs at her answer.

I thought about it, nodding my head in approval "That's actually a really great name for her..I'd never thought of that haha"

I glanced back at our daughter Aleeya who was now sucking on her hands drooling all over. I the picked up the Maggie doll that was on the side of the chair, I placed it a over her while she watches the doll hovering over her. She then extended her hands up signaling me that she wanted the doll, I gave it to her while she cuddled with it, minutes of playing with the doll she soon fell right back to dream land.


With Lynn's condition all at ease it was time for her discharge

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With Lynn's condition all at ease it was time for her discharge. The hospitals and Jin gave flowers and balloons for our baby, with little chit chats with some of the doctors and nurses I did wonder where the rest of the guys were.

None of them showed up to greet the baby even when I texted them many times to come and stop by but no one answered especially V hyung who's been gone for quite a long time.

With so much worry for V I told Lynn to wait inside the car while I speak to Jin about the guys.

I head inside as i saw him speaking to one of his assistant again Sehun about something I could not decipher, when Sehun made eye contact with me he nudge Jin to look over his shoulder. Jin then walks towards me wondering what is it that I wanted to talk about.

"Hyung where's V?" cutting to the chase.

"He's vacationing with the rest of the guys. It's basically why they're not here to congratulate you. But they told me that they wish you the best of luck with that girl.." He says.

"I I guess so...I'll just wait for them to come back soon *haha*oh and hyung thanks for delivering the baby" I smiled bowing at him.

With a poker face as usual he simply nodded once. I walked away only to get pulled back again.

"Have you been taking your medications?" He ask seriously.

"Yes everyday like you told me to"

"Good ..keep it that way" he said then simply walked away from me.
Please be so kind to comment & vote :3 thank you JELLYBUNNIES :3 see you again.

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