I'm sorry babe

70 3 0

Alan's P. O. V.

I woke up in Austin's arms. I look down at the blanket covering us and I remember I'm naked. The events of last night came rushing back into my head and I smile to myself. It's weird I really like Austin. I've never liked someone this much before. I wouldn't call it love i just really really really really really really really really really really like him.

"Good morning beautiful" I heard Austin say behind me.

"Good morning sunshine" I tell him with a little giggle at the end.

"You ready to go to school?" he asked me. I groaned and looked at the clock it read 6:30 and class doesn't start till 8:05.

"I don't want to go school" I whine to him while burying my head in his chest.

"Too bad let's get up and get ready"

"Nooooo Austin it's 6:30 and class doesn't start till 8:05 we can go back to sleep or just chill in bed for another hour. "

"Awe will you can stay here while I go shower" he told me with a wink and smirk. I knew he wanted to get some and I wanted some too so I ran past him into the restroom and started getting undressed.


I take my seat and wait for Ms. Zendejas to walk in. I start to day dream about random stuff when the chair next to me is pulled out bringing my attention back into reality.

"Hi Alan" Oli tells me.


"Hello class" we heard Ms. Zendejas say to the whole class. I turn my attention to her.

"Ok so today if Friday and the last day until winter break" she says.My eyes widen I completely forgot about winter break. "2 whole weeks out of this hell hole" she continues. I roll my eyes I'd rather be here than in the hell hole of my home. "The project that I've assigned is gonna be due on the first day back. Any questions?" she looks around the class and saw that no one raised their hand.

"Ok well since no one has questions we can just go onto the movie." she said. She got up and started the movie. There was a knock on the door and Ms. Zendejas went to answer it.

"Hey slut" we heard Mrs. Lopez say.

"Hey hoe" Ms. Zendejas replied while smiling. They both go walking to Ms. Zendejas' desk.

"Really Maggie? You're making these poor kids watch Happy Feet 2?" Mrs. Lopez asked with a bored and unsatisfied voice.

"Yes now shhhhhh I actually like this movie"

"Don't shhhhh me"

Ms. Zendejas just ignored her and watched the movie through her laptop.


The bell rang and I rushed out I didn't wait for Oli. I just wanted to get away from that movie. I spotted Austin and went over to him.

"Hey Austin. Can I come over today? " I asked him.

"I'm sorry but no I need to go visit my grandparents today." he told me.

My heart dropped that means I'm going to have to face my dad today.

"Oh it's ok Austin"

"I'm sorry babe"

"No it's ok"

"Ok well I need to go babe bye." he kissed my forehead and went to his car and drove off.

I sighed and began walking to my house at a very slow pace my heart still beating fast.

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