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Alan's P. O. V

*ring ring ring*

I slammed my fist down on my alarm clock.I remove my blanket at stretch while still laying down.I just stay like that for a couple of more minutes just staring up at the ceiling thinking about life. I turn my head and saw it was 7:15 A. M.  well I guess I was thinking for fifteen minutes then.

I stand up and go to my clothes to pick out my clothes.I settle for a black shirt,black skinny jeans,my black vans, and a black crew neck. I don't bother with my hair I just throw on a beanie. I grab my phone and my headphones. I turn my music on and go downstairs. My dad isn't here he's at work shocking I know he goes to work.

I grab a pop tart and begin eating it while watching TV.I flip through the channels I settled and a random channel.The only reason I like to watch TV and listen to music at the same time is because the characters always look funny with it.


I started laughing because the guy was angry and yelling when that part came on. I look down at my phone and see it's 7:40. I turn off the TV and begin walking to school.


When I arrive at school I kept my head low and my eyes trained on the floor. I really don't want to get beat up today. I go to my locker and grab my books.

I look to my side and see my crush Austin Carlile . Why do I have to like him? I'm pretty sure he's straight.I guess he feels someone staring at him because he looks around until we made eye contact.I panic,break the eye contact,shut my locker,and run off to first period.


I walk into the locker room and go to my locker to dress out. I open it but someone slams it shut. I screamed out in pain because I had my fingers on it.


"Oh I'm sorry I though I-ummmmmm- saw a spider?" I said more like asked.


"OK EVERYONE LET'S GO ILL BE OUTSIDE"  the coach screamed again.

"Stupid faggot scared of a spider" I heard him mumble while he walked out.

"Awwwww the faggot is scared of spiders" Adam told me then punched my stomach knocking the air out of my lungs. Adam is my number one bully.He's goal in life is to make my kill myself he told me so himself.

"Faggots make me sick.I bet you were looking at all of us change huh? "

He continued to punch me until I fell down. When my body hit the floor he started kicking me over and over again.I tried to cover myself as much as I could but it wasn't enough. With one last kick he left the locker room.

After a couple of minutes of laying on the ground I stood up and walked outside.I couldn't see my class so I guess they're in the weight room. I ran to the bathroom and stayed there until lunch.


I walked into the cafeteria and sat at a table in the back.I pulled out my headphones and started listening to music.

"The days are a death wish.

A witch hunt for a exit.

I am powerless.

The fragile,the broken.

Sit in circles and stay unspoken.

We are powerless.

Because we all walk alone on a empty staircase.

Silent halls and nameless faces.

I am powerless.

Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die.

I can't fear death no longer

I've died a thousand times

Why explore the universe when we don't know ourselfs?

And emptiness inside our head.

But no one dares to dwell.

Throw me to the flames watch my burn.

Set my world ablaze.

Watch me burn.

How are we on a scale of one to ten?

Could you tell me what you see?

Do you wanna talk about it?

How does that make you feel?

Have you ever took a blade to your wrist?

Have you been skipping meals?

We're gonna try something new today.

How does that make you feel?

Hold me close don't let go watch me.

Hold me close don't let go watch me.


Suddenly one of my earphones was ripped out of my hear. I look up to see who it is and it Austin.

"hi sorry about that but I've been trying to get your attention but you were listening to music "

"ummmmmm it's ok"

"So I saw you here all alone and I decided to sit with you. "

"it's ok you don't have to"

"no I want to"

"ummmmm ok then"

"hey wanna come over to my house after school? "

"ummmm sure"

He smiled at me then the bell rang.We got and began walking our separate ways. All through 5th period all I could think of is going over to Austin's house.Why would he want me to go?  Maybe he was going to beat me up? Ughhhhhh I don't know.Guess I'll just have to wait and see.


Sorry it's so shitty but I didn't know what to write. Oh and don't forget to vote and comment I mean it's free.Oh the first song was BMTH antivist and the second song is BMTH hospital for souls.

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