Our Baby (Mpreg)

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Joe's P.O.V
I smile seeing a name flash across the screen.


"Joe darling it's me!"

"Emily! How are you?"

"I'm doing wonderful how are you and my soon to arrive grandson?"

"We're doing well the doctor said he's very healthy only two more months and he'll be here."

"I'm so excited we can't wait to meet him."

"I can't wait either how's Theo?"

"She's doing good happy that she gets to come home to visit from traveling. Caspar will be home to visit the first week of June."

I feel my heart twist at her words.

"Is Seth going with him?"

"No he is going with his family or something I don't know and frankly I don't care. I know that may seem rude but I don't like the lad he's terrible and snobbish. I loved it when you and Caspar were together he seemed so much happier."

"I did too but he doesn't want a son he thinks having a baby will ruin his YouTube career and that people will think it's weird since we're both males."

"If he didn't want a baby he should have taken better precaution. I never thought Caspar would behave like this. I raised him better I just don't understand what happened."

"I don't either but it's fine I'm not going to force my son on him I'll do just fine I have family and friends willing to help."

"And you have your family here you have us we love you no matter what. I was talking to Josh the other day and he told me how the next time you're in South Africa when he is that he's taking you baby shopping and Theo along with Andrew as well chimed in saying they wanted to go too."

"They're amazing honestly."

"I agree I have to go darling I'll talk to you late love you both."

"We love you too."

I smile hanging up feeling light kicks.

*Two months later.*

"Yes Joe?"

"Please go get your mum my water broke Xavier is on his way literally right now."

Her eyes widen as she squeals rushing from my room to the guest room that her mum is staying in since they decided to come visit me in London for when I gave birth. She rushes into the room getting my bag before we make our way to the hospital.
"Okay Joe one more push and he'll be here."

I nod tiredly giving one more push before I hear loud cries. The doctor and nurse get him cleaned before handing him to me. I smile kissing his finger and I feel my eyes get heavy before they drop.

"He's hemorrhaging we need to stop the bleeding!"

I feel Xavier being taken from my arms before everything goes dark all I can hear is noise before silence.

When I awake awhile later I hear beeping I look around for Xavier an my heart jumps when I see Caspar rocking him in the chair next to my bed.

"Oh you're awake."

"Caspar what are you doing here?"

"My mum called and told me what happened I wanted to be sure you're okay."

"Well I'm fine now may I have my son I need to feed him."

He hands Xavier to me and I smile when he opens his eyes I ring for a nurse who brings me a bottle. Caspar watches him for a moment before softly speaking.

"He has my eyes."

"I noticed what are you really here for Caspar?"

I ask tilting my head to the side looking at him.

"I wanted to apologize for how I've been acting lately I've been a dick and it was very wrong of me. I broke it off with Seth the other day because I found out he was cheating. I want us to be friends again and I want to be a dad to Xavier please give me another chance Joe I'm really sorry. I never should have pushed either of you away."

"Honestly I shouldn't give you another chance I should just send you away and never look back. But Xavier needs his other father and I'm not going to deny him that."

"Thank you so much Joe I'll make it up to you both I promise."

"You're welcome now let's talk and catch up before our families get here to try and steal him.
This was just for entertainment I honestly do not believe that Caspar would ever refuse his child just because he didn't think people would accept it especially if it was with another guy. (if that was possible.) I just wanted to try this out and see what you guys thought. :)

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