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So I'm not sure if anyone is gonna see this, but I wanted to apologize for not updating for 5+ months. I made a commitment and didn't follow through. I even deleted the app, thinking no one was reading, and maybe no one was.

This isn't a note to say i'm going to continue the story, it's just an apology. I don't have enough time and i don't want you guys to wait for me to continue the story. I've decided that i'm going to finish in this chapter, and then it will be over. I'm sorry I made you guys wait.

Also, I took out the jail thing. It didn't make any sense.

Sam POV:
4 years later
Graduation day. College went by so fast!

"Sam! Wake up! We have to get ready!" My roommate Grace was very... timely.

"Coming," I said groggily. I looked at the clock: 7:36. "Shoot!" I jumped out of bed and started getting ready.

Going to College Park in Maryland was the best decision I ever made. I had my awesome roommate, high school boyfriend, and both of my best friends. Syd, Spencer, and Amber all came! I wasn't lucky enough to have Syd as my roommate, but she lives in the building next to us. Amber lives in the one next to her. Spencer and I are still dating, with plans of getting married - I know, scary right? But I'm excited, and I love him, so I know it'll work out.

"Stop spacing out and put on your clothes, Sam!" Grace giggled when she saw me staring into space.

"Okay, okay, I'm up," I giggled too.

Spencer POV:
Graduation day. Can't wait to see Sam. So excited to graduate. But I'll miss college.

These were the thoughts going through my head as I was getting ready. Sam and I had already planned out what we were gonna do for the day after graduation, and we invited Sydney and Amber (even though Amber's not graduating).

I looked over at my roommate, Drew, who was sitting on his bed. "Dude, get up. We gotta go."

"Huh? Oh," he said as he shook his head like a dog and ran to get ready.

Sam POV:
By 8:15, we were ready. Grace and I met up with Sydney (they had become close too) and started walking towards Spencer's building. Grace's twin brother Max and Sydney's boyfriend Daniel were both in that building.

When we go there they were already waiting outside. Spencer looked extremely handsome, as usual.

"You look gorgeous," he said as he came up to me.

"Just wait until I put on the robe," I responded. "Then I'll look ridiculous."

"I highly doubt that," he said, smirking. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I said, a little worried.

"In private," he said as he dragged me to a private lawn that we found earlier that year.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Sam, how long have we been together?"

"Um, let's see, 10th, 11th, 12th, 1st year..." I muttered to myself. "Seven years, why?"

"And seven years is a long time, right?"

"Spencer, you're scaring me."

"Just answer the question."

"Yes, it's a long time."

"Do you think it's too long?"

"N-no," I stammered becoming very anxious.

"Neither do I," he said with a huge smile on his face. "Samantha, I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I hope you feel the same way."

"Yes, I do, but Spencer why-"

"Just let me finish," he interrupted. "Since you feel that way, I have a very important question to ask you."

I gulped very loudly. Oh my gosh he's gonna-

"Samantha Briggs, would you do me the absolute honor of marrying me?"

I had tears in my eyes as he got down on one knee. "Yes, of course I will," I whispered as I kissed him.

As I pulled away, the look of pure joy on his face was one I won't forget. He slipped a gorgeous diamond ring on my finger. "I love you, Sam."

"I love you too," I replied. After a minute, I looked at Spencer and grinned. "Now, shall we go tell them?"

He laughed. "Get ready for lots of girly screaming," he joked.

We walked back to our group, with his arm on my shoulder and my head on his. I looked at my finger and smiled.

And that, my wonderful readers, is the end of Sam and Spencer.

I'm sorry if you didn't like the ending, but I though it was sweet so I dont care.

I'm just kidding, I love you guys and i'm so grateful to every person who's stuck with me through every non-update period of time and every writers block. You guys are amazing :)

I wanna thank SRJ020 for encouraging me to keep going. I also wanna thank Sriusly for my cover. LVQOfficial helped me through writers block just about every time, so I'm super thankful to her. I also wanna thank _justanotherwriter_ for being a huge inspiration. Im not sure if she's even still on Wattpad but I love all of her stories and they helped me write my own. Lastly, I wanna thank all of you, for reading and commenting. This couldn't have happened without all of you.

And for the last time:
Bye for now bookworms.

Love, Julia

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