Explanation. Now.

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Recap: Sam and Sydney found out that Spencer is dating Allison.

After we found the profile, I stormed out of Sydney's house and sat on her porch swing. I wanted to go home.

I dialed my mom's number. It rang until-


"Hey mom. I'm at Syd's house. Could you come-"

"Pick you up? Sure, i'm just coming home from the grocery store. Be there in 5 minutes."

"Thanks! Love you."

"Love you too, honey."

I hung up. What was wrong with me? Spencer is... well, very cute. And funny, and smart, and in vocal, and-

Stop torturing yourself Sam! He's dating your ENEMY!


I turned around to see Sydney.

"Hey Syd. Sorry I stormed out. That was rude of me."

"It's alright. And Sam, I know that you don't like it, but Spencer is his own person. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's his life. He doesn't want to be controlled."

"I know, just why HER? I thought he didn't like her..."


"I pick... Sam! Yay! Hooray! Alright let's go." And he dragged me away.

"You picked me? But why?"

"Because, Sam, I don't know her. Plus, she kissed me. Ew!"

I punched him. "You are such a little kid."

"And you seem waaaaay cooler than her. I don't even like her."


"He doesn't!" I suddenly shouted.

"Sorry to, uh, burst your bubble, but he's DATING her. I think he does."

"No, he doesn't. He told me."

I told her about what happened at lunch, and she nodded her head.

"I dunno what's going on, but something's wrong with the situation here."

"Oh, most definitely." I grinned.

"The problem is, dear Samantha, what is it that's the problem? You are gonna have to talk to him, you know."

My smile faded. "Yeah, I guess."

This was gonna be difficult.

After a week, I was still too scared to talk to Spencer.

"You HAVE to talk to him!" Sydney said.

"No, I'm not ready. Maybe tomor-"

"No. Not tomorrow. You have said 'maybe tomorrow' for a week. You are talking to him, and you're doing it now." She shoved me towards him. (We were in the hallway btw)

"H-hey Spencer."

"What?" He looked at me. "Oh, hey Sam."

I nervously laughed. "Can I, um... talk to you?"

He quirked an eyebrow. "Sure, about what?"

"Alone please." I motioned for him to come with me.

We walked into an empty classroom.

"Um... you're scaring me Sam. What is it?"

I became very serious. "Are you or are you not dating Allison Vanders?"

Sam and SpencerWhere stories live. Discover now