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(I didn't want to give anything away from the title sooo...)
Back to Sam POV:

"Hey Allison!" I called out across the hallway. "I need to talk to you."

"I don't talk to people like you," she spat.

"NOW," I growled.

She looked surprised. "Um... fine." She strutted over to me.

"What is your problem?" I shouted. I wanted EVERYONE to hear.

"What are you talking about?" She looked nervous.


She looked like she was about to faint. "I-I don't... um... know what you're talking about, Sam."

I smirked. "You don't? I think you know exactly what I am talking about. Isn't that right, Spencer?" I turned.

Spencer walked into view from the crowd that had formed in the halls. "Yes, Sam. That's EXACTLY right. ALLISON threatened to ruin my life if I wasn't her boyfriend. That's pretty low, don't you agree Allison?"

She stumbled over to Spencer. "I thought we had a deal," she muttered.

"The deal's done, Allison. Give it up," I said. "Oh and by the way, you suck at whispering!"

She looked at me, then at Spencer. "You two," she pointed at us, "are as good as DEAD in this school." And she shuffled away.

As soon as she was out of sight, everyone cheered! She was defeated! Or was she?

As I asked myself that question, I felt warm arms around my waist.

"We did it Sam," whispered Spencer.

"Yeah, we did," I breathed into his shirt. He smelled like sugar and cologne, meaning he smelled AMAZING.

We stayed in this position until I heard someone clear their throat.

"Hey guys," said Sydney. I enveloped her in a hug. "You did it!" She seemed so happy.

"Yeah," I whispered. "But did we really beat her? Like, what now?"

"I think we should probably law low for a while, Sam." Spencer said.

"It sounds like we just destroyed a super villain!" Syd interjected.

"Heh, yeah," I said. "I think we did!"

"Come on Sam," Spencer sighed. "We should go." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we walked out.

We had planned the whole thing. It had been a week since Spencer told me about the threat. During this week, we had thought and planned what we would say. And MAN did it work!

And the best part of the whole thing - spending all that time with Spencer. He is such an amazing guy! He's so sweet and smart and funny and-

Yeah... I think I like him. Maybe just a little (SARCASM ALERT)

We walked out of the building (the school day was over) and he turned to face me.

"Need a ride?"

"No, but I'll take it anyway!" We walked over to his car and got in.

The whole car ride, we just talked about how AMAZINGLY the plan worked. He pulled up in front of my house (don't worry, I told him my address).

"Well... see you at school."

I was about to get out when I stopped. "You've never been inside my house. Want a tour?"

"That sounds fun, Sam, but I don't think-"

"Come on!" I dragged him out of his car.

After about 20 minutes of touring my house, we went outside and laid down on my hammock.

"Thanks for the tour Sammy," whispered Spencer. I was going to comment on the nickname, but I decided not to.

"Anytime," I said.

"I, um, know we haven't known each other for that long, but, um..." Spencer stuttered. "Sam, will you go on a date with me?"

My eyes widened.


Spencer POV:


Is she going to say no? I'm so humiliated!

"I'm sorry, forget I said anything, I-"

Really sorry!

Sam POV:

"I'm sorry, yes of course I will!"

He looked relieved. "Awesome. Why didn't you answer initially?"

"I was just really shocked. Why would you want to go on a date with me?"

"Samantha Briggs, if people don't tell you this often, they should." He became very serious. "You are a beautiful, talented, funny, smart, amazing girl. I don't understand why you don't see that." His eyes sparkled.

"Spencer Walsh, you are the sweetest, smartest, most amazing boy I have ever met. Thank you for being you."

He engulfed me in a hug. We laid on the hammock like this for what seemed like hours. Unfortunately, it couldn't last forever.

"I gotta go Sam." That's disappointing.

"Wait, when's the date?"

"Shouldn't you ask your parents if you can date me?"

"She can," said a voice. I turned to see my mom standing next to the door.

"H-hey mom. How long have you been standing there?"

"About 30 seconds," she stated.

"Wait, I can go on a date with him?"

"Sure," she said. I ran up to her and gave her a hug.


This was gonna be amazing.


This is kinda long :)

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