The Barbies

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Amanda Seyfried is Allison Vanders. Oh yeah, and I've decided to put the messages at the end again starting now. Right now. #frozenquote #annaquote #nolife

After 2nd period, we had 3rd (duh). Spencer and I both had C lunch - there were A, B, and C lunches (duh again). A lunch started at the same time as 3rd period, B lunch was in the middle, and C lunch was at the end of 3rd period.

At lunch, I had promised Spencer I would sit with him so I brought him to my table - which was, unfortunately, right next to the Barbie table. I could clearly hear their conversations.

"So Tyler - oh my gosh, cute guy alert," chirped Allison, Ms. Shut Up Everyone Because I'm The Queen. Yes, I am the master of all nicknames (smirks to self).

"Where? Where?" said Melissa, one of Allison's goons.

"At... ah shoot... yo, girl! What's your name again?"

I looked at her with my jaw to the floor. "Me?"

"Yeah, you."

"Allison, we have been in school together since middle school! You have got to be kidding me right now!"

"Sorry... uh... Sam?"

"Yeah. Sam. So. What do you want?"

"Come here."

Uh oh, that can't be good.

"Sure. Just a minute Spencer."

I walked over to their table and sat down. "What do you want?"

"Who is that guy at your table and can I have his number?" she said as the goons giggled.

"Um... Spencer? He's new."

"So you know him? How? Bring him over here."

Not wanting to let her make me a social outcast, I called Spencer over. "Hey Spencer, could you come here?"

He looked up from his food. "Huh? Yeah, sure." He got up and walked over.

"Spencer, this is Allison. Allison, Spencer. He's new and I'm his assigned 'buddy' until he knows his way around school."

"There's no need for you to do that anymore. I'll be his buddy," she smiled faintly.

I just once want a normal school day! "Actually, that won't be necessary."

"Your head is necessary on my wall, you little - "

"Hey, hey, ladies, relax," Spencer cut in, and for once I was happy about it. "I will pick my own buddy."


I seriously thought I had a chance at being friends with this guy!

No way he would pick me.


Because no one ever picks me.

"I pick - "

"Wait!" What was Allison doing? "Let me give you something first." And with that, she leaned over and kissed him.

Right in front of me!

That little -

"What are you doing?" Spencer said, pulling away.

"Giving you a small taste of the Allison experience, that's all," she replied with a wink.

She disgusts me. A lot.

"Well, I've picked my buddy. I pick... drumroll please!" I rapidly pay my hands on my lap. "I pick... SAM! Yay! Woo-hoo! Alright goodbye." And he dragged me away.


What just happened?

Did he seriously just pick me over Allison Vanders?

No freaking way.

I was giddy with joy. "What? You picked me?"

He grinned. "Of course, Sam. I don't even know her. Plus, she kissed me! Ew!"

"Oh my gosh, you are such a little kid," I teased, playfully punching him in the arm.

"And also, you seem way cooler than that freak show."


"Shh! Quiet down!"

But it was too late. Allison and her goons cam marching over to our table.

"Why did you pick her?" she asked.

"Because Sam is my new BFFL," he replied smoothly.

I just laughed.

Then, Spencer leaned over to me and whispered, "Your laugh is cute. You should laugh more often." I blushed.

"But she's so..."

"I'm so what?" I snapped. She just ruined my wonderful mood!

"Yeah, sure, whatever," he muttered, going back to his food. Once she left, he said to me "We rock. We seriously rock."


"I can just tell that she's the queen of the school, right?"

"Yeah, sure, why?"

"Well, Sam, we just temporarily dethroned the queen." And he gave me a high - five.

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