The Date: Part 2

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3 hours earlier:

"I have nothing to wear!" I shouted at my closet.

"Relax Sam," said Sydney behind me. She was sitting on my bed helping decide what to wear.

"Relax?" I turned to her. "I'm going on a date with a new kid who happens to be extremely attractive and you want me to relax?!"

She scooted back. "Yes, I do. Here, lemme put it this way: he asked you, didn't he?" I nodded. "That means that he OBVIOUSLY likes you! Just calm down and take another look in the closet."

I turned and looked. "Nothing!"

Sydney thought for a minute. "Hm... GOT IT!" She yelled.


"Come with me." She dragged me out of my room and out of my house. Did I mention that Sydney and I are neighbors? She dragged me all the way to her house and up the stairs (I said hi to Josh on the way up) and into her room.

"What are you doing?"

"I thought of the PERFECT thing for you to wear." She dug through her closet and then said, "Aha! Found it!"

When she came out, she pulled out the most amazing thing in the history of ever. It was a short dress with a flowery bottom and a bow around the waist - and it was just my size. (Picture)

"Give. Now." This is beautiful.

Sydney squealed. "Yay!"

I slipped it on and I felt like Dresserella. (Cheesy much)

"It's perfect," I whispered.

"I know!" Sydney was more excited than me. "Okay, now for the shoes. I have-"

"Of course! Why didn't I think of it before?"


"Come on!" I dragged her out of her house and all the way back to mine, while barefoot and wearing the dress.

When we got to my room, I went straight for the closet. "Where is it, where is it..." I murmured under my breath.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"The shoes!"

"Wait. You have shoes that you want to wear with this dress, and you never told me?"

"Sorry!" Seriously Syd? "Got them!" I pulled out a pair of 3 inch black heels. They were open toed and had a bow (see picture).

"Those. Are. Perfect." Sydney stared at the shoes.

"I know!" I put them on and looked in the mirror.

"Amazing," whispered Sydney. "He is gonna fall head over heels in love with you!"

I blinked. "Sydney!"

"What? He so is!"

"Ugh. Whatever, I guess the outfit is fine."

"Fine?" She looked astonished. "You. Look. INCREDIBLE!"

I giggled. "I do, don't I?"

I got back home and my mom dropped me off at the restaurant. I walked in and sat down at a table. I waited for what seemed like forever until-


I turned to see - holy saucy meatballs! "Spencer!" He looked awesome! He was wearing a blue button down and jeans. And. He. Looked. Like. A. Model.

"Hey," he said quietly.

"What? What's wrong?"

He blushed. "It's just that... you... uh... you look amazing."

Then, I blushed. "Oh, thank you. Do you, er, wanna sit?"

"Yeah." He rushed over to the table and sat down.

We were at a Chinese restaurant and Chinese is my favorite food, like, ever. He was reading the menu when he looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Can I help you?"


"You were staring," he said, smirking.

"What?" I kept repeating myself. "I was not!"

He just laughed. "Were too."

I punched him in the side. "Was not."


"Yeah, let's just order. What are you-"

"A bowl of wanton soup and pork fried rice. You?"

I looked at him, mouth open. "That's exactly what I get. Every time I come."

"Sweet. We would share well."

"Yeah, see, that's the problem. I always share. I never eat it all."

"Neither do I. Wanna share?"

I was about to respond, but then I realized. I was about to have a Lady and the Tramp moment. Sharing food? So romantic!

"Yeah, that works," I played it off nonchalantly.

The waiter came up to our table. "Hi, my name is Tyler, and I'll be your waiter for tonight. Can I get you something to drink?"

When I got a closer look at him, I gasped. "Tyler?!"

"Yes, I'm Tyler. I just said - Sam?" It was Tyler Jenkins! He looked funny in a waiter's uniform. "What, uh, what are you doing here?"

I blushed. Man, I was blushing a lot lately! "I'm on a date."

"A date?" He quirked an eyebrow. He looked at Spencer. "And who might you be?"

"Spencer Walsh," Spencer replied. "And... who are you?"

Tyler's jaw dropped. "You don't know who I am?" Spencer shook his head. "I'm only the most popular 10th grader at Kivell! Everyone loves me!"

Spencer scoffed. "Cocky much?"

"It's true! Tell him Sam."

"Don't get me into this. You're ruining the moment. Now, I'll take a Coke, Spencer what do you want?"

"Hold on Sam. I wanna know EXACTLY who this guy thinks he is. You can't just go around telling people that everyone loves you! Obviously not!"

"Excuse me?"

"No, excuse me, for not realizing how much of a-"

"SPENCER!" I yelled.

"What? He's being one!"

"I don't care! You two are ruining the date, even if one of you is part of it!"

That shut them up. But, only for a second. "Sam, this guy is so... ugh. How can you stand him?"

"Yeah Spencer," I replied. "He's stupid, irrelevant, rude, annoying, he flirted with me, but-"


"Probably shouldn't have mentioned that," I muttered. "That's not the point. I don't care about him, so I ignore him!"

Spencer looked at me. "Why do you have to be so smart?" He sighed. "You're right. But THIS GUY is not going to be our waiter. Can I see a manager please?"

"Fine. But the manager's not in, so I'll get the assistant." Tyler marched off into the kitchen.

After about 5 minutes, he came back out with the assistant manager. "Is there a problem with my waiter?" She looked up. "Oh my gosh, SPENCER?!"


"With HER?"

"Um... yeah."

"What are you two doing... OMG you're on a DATE!"

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