Chapter 1

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As the door of my locker swings open, every single one of my thousands of books comes tumbling out of my locker. Fantastic way to start of my day.

"Dude smooth," I heard one of my best friends, Daniel, say from behind me.

Yes, I'm that girl. The nerd, the quiet one, and the only girl with the guys. Don't think that way though, I'm not a slut. I just like being friends with guys more than girls.

There's one group in particular that I hang out with more than others though. There is seven guys and then there's me. I don't mind, they treat me like I'm one of the guys and I treat them like they are one of the girls. It gets disgusting sometimes but we make it work.

I'm not at close with Daniel but we still talk. He has dark brown hair, almost black. He is really tall too and one of the sweeter ones. He has freckles all over his face and light brown eyes. He was a lisp which makes it kind of funny when he laughs. He basically hyperventilates.

"Shut up Dan," I mumble as I pick up my books. Sadly, the cover to one of my favorites, 'Where She Went', was bent. I sighed in frustration and stuffed them in the bottom of my locker this time.

Daniel stands next to me and just watches as I struggle to pick everything up off the floor. Great friends I have.

"Where is everyone?" I question. He just shrugs his shoulders and starts looking around.

"There's Steven," he points behind me. I turn around and see his blonde head making its way over to us. I simply say hey but he and Daniel start wrestling. Basically it ends with Daniel on the floor which Steven has him in a head lock.

I've known Steven a long time. Our parents think we would make a cute couple, but we know that there is way too much history and too many secrets between us.

I closed my locker and started our routine of walking in circles around the school until the five minute bell rang and we go our separate ways. It was pretty quiet, I suppose there wasn't anything super exciting to report.

"So, Steven," I say attempting to make conversation. "How is Kimberly?"

He just rolled his eyes and didn't answer. Great, they broke up again. I bet you that tonight, I'll get a call from a crying Kimberly, like always. She just doesn't understand that I will always pick his side. Not to mention she keeps hanging out with that other kid. I don't even know his name to be honest.

I make a weird shrieking sound as someone jabs their fingers into my side lightly. I'm not really ticklish, I just not one for surprises.

I turn around quickly and see Drake and Blake staring at me with innocent smiles. Most the time, I just want to kill them. They are like sour patch kids, sour but once you get past the first layer, they are sweet.

Quick rundown: Drake is the school player. Flirts with every girl within a ten foot radius but rather good looking at the same time. Good singer. Not too good with instruments though. Athletic as well. Very egotistical. Blake is almost the complete opposite. A complete sweetheart, but doesn't flirt much. Sadly, he doesn't get flirted with much either. You can trust that kid with anything.

"Touch me again and you know what will happen," I warn them and narrow my eyes, pointing the finger of accusation at them.

The both back away but Drake holds up his hands but ends up just laughing and running to catch up with the rest of the guys.

It was just Blake and I standing there. He smirked at me, knowing what it meant.

"I don't think we have time today Blake," I said sadly. He shrugged his shoulders.

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