Chapter 22

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Erza took deep breaths, pacing back and forth in the room she was residing in, getting ready for battle. 

Armour? Check.

Swords? Check.

Flag? Check.

Horses? Check.

Shields? Check.

Braid? Che- wait, braids?!

Erza stopped pacing and sat down on the bed, holding her face in her hands. The stress was making her go insane. she swore it. Erza was trained for war and battle, but being with Jellal made her feel like an actual princess, as silly as it sounds. But she had to admit, she was scared. She wasn't ready to fight and lead a war, but just the fact that Jellal would be by her side at all times reassured her a little. 

The door opened and she looked up to see Jellal standing there. He walked in and closed the door behind him. He sat down next to Erza, and put an arm around her. She leaned closer to him, closing her eyes. 

"I know you're scared, Erza." He said in a soft voice and she opened her eyes to look at him. She sighed and looked away. "It's alright to feel scared. Everyone feels scared sometimes. But if we come back, you'll become the Queen to these people, as I will be King. We have to show them that we are strong and capable of ruling and watching over them."He said and brought her closer. She nodded. She felt a little better, but her face still showed that she was afraid. He handed her a red cloak with Magnolia's crest on it. She put it on and noticed how he had one on as well, but blue. He kissed her forehead. 

"We'll make it back, Erza. I won't let anything happen to you, or me." He said soothingly. She smiled softly at him, and they leaned in towards each other. They locked lips, one of Jellal's hands on her cheek, while the other was wrapped around her waist, bringing her closer towards him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and she felt him wipe a tear that had fallen out of her eye. 

When they pulled away, they smiled at each other and stood up. They walked out of the room, hand in hand. "Your Highnesses!" A guard came running down the hall and stopped in front of them. Erza's eyes were wide as she heard the plural term, but Jellal was the only royal in sight. 

Suddenly, Erza remembered Jellal's words. 

  But if we come back, you'll become the Queen to these people, as I will be King.  

So people already knew that she would be their queen if they came back? She smiled, a slight red tint on her cheeks. 

"The troups are ready to leave!" Jellal nodded and followed the soldier, pulling Erza along with him. 

When Erza stepped outside, her eyes were wide to see how many people were on horses - the soldiers - and how many townspeople had gathered to see them off. Erza and Jellal  got onto two large white stalions. 

The soldiers parted as the two trotted to the front of the troup. They then started leading the troup towards their destination. Erza plastered on a confident face.

"Is she going to be out queen?" 

"I think so!"

"She's so pretty!"

"Don't forget brave!"

Erza could hear the townspeople talking, and it gave her a slight confidence boost. They liked her even though she was not Queen yet. Jellal looked over at her and smiled. 

The horses continued to walk where the two remembered the beautiful plaing medow near Hargeon, which would soon become a gruesome battlefield in less then two hours. Erza took a deep breath as the townspeople of Hargeon saw them coming through the town's streets, most murmuring. "Isn't that the Magnolia crest? Oh! The two in the front must be royalty! But I can't help but feel as if I've seen the two before....."

Erza recognized the voice as Violet, one of Lilith's friends. Erza felt a pang of guilt. If she made it out of the war, she would tell them what had happened to their friend. 

A large Phantom Lord troup waited for them and they stood face to face. Erza and Jellal turned towards their troup. 

"Many wars have taken place in the past, and we have vanquished them all! We faught for our kingdomeand it alone, not caring who died in the process! We called that honour! What about all the soldiers that died?! We gave a small celebration, two minutes of our time! We do not even remember their names! But this time, we are protecting the world, and all of the men who die today will forever be remembered! Their names will never leave Magnolia! They will never dissapear! WE DO NOT FIGHT FOR OURSELVES, WE FIGHT FOR OTHERS!" Jellal shouted, and battle cries were heard all throughout the troup. 

Erza looked over at him and nodded. They turned around, raising the Magnolian flag, waiting for the signal to attack. The battle will not stall any longer. 

A/N: I am litterally, LITTERALLY, dancing around. Well my mind is. This is the last chapter before the EPIC battle begins! I don't know if I'll have time to update a third time today, but hopefully I will! Are you excited? I know I am, but you probably already know that since I told you over a billion times...... Hope you enjoyed!






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