Chapter 6

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Jellal wanted to tell Erza what he wanted to say, but he was strangely contented with her presence. She felt slightly flustered at his asking to take a walk with her, and even more so when the moon started coming up and lighting the rapidly darkening garden.

"Is there a problem, Your Highness?" She asked, breaking the silence in between them. He shook his head, a small, barely noticeable smile on his lips. "No. I just wanted to commend your strength. You fought the best of my guards and warriors, all by yourself, and in record time." He said and she blushed at his some-what compliment.

"Thank you, Your Highness." She replied and looked at the ground, her eyes soft. "Please just call me Jellal." He said and her head snapped up and her eyes widened. "But, that would be extremely inappropriate for someone of your stature to be called such a disrespectful title, especially from a guard." She gaped at him, and he looked away, eyes sad. "Can I confide something to you?" He asked and she nodded her head quickly. "Of course, my Lord." She said and he sighed. "Sometimes I wish that I were a peasant, or even a guard. I get tired of being viewed as the 'prince' and nothing else. I want to be just Jellal, not Prince Jellal or Lord Jellal. I honestly don't know why I'm telling you this, I've never told anyone or even thought about it before." He chuckled and her eyes widened. "I understand, my Lord. But everyone is born at a certain place for a reason. Like my friend Lucy back home, she was the daughter of a noble. She hated it and ran away and became a maid for Lady Ultear's family. But now that I think about it, if she hadn't been born a noble, we might never have met her." She said trying to demonstrate her point.

"Wise words, Erza." He replied softly and a small smile appeared on her lips and a blush crawled onto her cheeks.

"I..... I wondered what life would be like if I never had to risk my life for others. To be the one saved." She laughed at herself, knowing that she should not be talking with such informality to the prince. "But then I thought about how good I felt after I'd saved somebody, or after I'd helped someone. I saved a little girl once, she reminded me so much about myself when I was younger. She didn't exactly have the best past." Erza looked up at the stars, and the pair had stopped walking and were standing in front of each other.

"Why did you become a guard?" He asked and she smiled sadly. "When I was a young girl, I was a servant. I wasn't very well treated, and one day, my master started beating me because I had broken a china set by accident, when a palace guard came and rescued me. He took the beating for me, and got so injured that he had to drop out of his duties. I was inspired, and I knew that I wanted to become a guard, to fulfill the duties that he had to leave behind." Her eyes shone and glistened as she spoke, and he was shocked, not only because she had actually shared her story with him, but at how deep it was.

Her long braided scarlet hair flew slightly in the breeze the night was picking up, and that made her look all the more beautiful to him.

He wanted nothing more then to hold her in his arms, embracing her, but he knew that would never happen. She was a guard, and he was a prince. Even though there might've been a chance for them to be together, although it was only his cursed imagination, the one she served seemed extremely infatuated with him. He sighed slightly and they walked back towards the palace in complete silence.

A/N: Yay! I finally updated! But now you guys won't have to wait several weeks for me anymore! I will update at least once a week from now on, on Fridays! Something to look forward to (or not...)! Anyway, hoped you liked this chapter, one that will be crucial to the story later on!






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