Chapter 12

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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to BrokenLolipop898 for commenting and voting  my other chapters. I got some kawaii stuff in this chapter ;D

After Jellal had finally gotten rid of all the girls around him, he sighed in relief, but when he looked to where Erza had been before the girls obscured his vision of her, she was no longer there. He looked around but couldn't find her. He looked around before deciding to look at the inn, and there she was, staring out the window, her scarlet hair dripping wet. Probably wet from removing the colorant in her hair.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, now blonde, and went into the bathroom to wash the colorant out of his own hair.

When he came out, his hair was humid and going in every direction.

Erza was still staring out the window as if in deep thought.

She was in her skirt and tank top, and Jellal was in his black shirt and pants.

He walked towards her and put a hand on her shoulder, making her jump. She looked up at him and she relaxed and sighed. "When you said that you loved me back in Magnolia, you were joking, weren't you?" She asked and he stared at her in shock. "W-What?! Of course not!" He exclaimed and she sighed again. "You have so much better choices. You have beautiful, smart, ladylike girls that you could choose, like Ultear....." She trailed off and he made her stand up.

He grabbed her wrists and pulled her into a kiss. It was soft and gentle, fitting his personality, and Erza's eyes were wide before she slowly closed them and kissed him back.

When they pulled away, Erza's face was red. "I love you, Erza. Loving someone is to look over all their flaws and view them as perfection. And that's how I vision you." He said and kissed her forehead. "I love you, too, Jellal." She mumbled and stayed in his arms.

It was so relaxing in his arms, and he was so warm, that she felt like she could stay there forever.

Something broke the window and Erza pulled Jellal out of the way just as a tranquilizer dart hit the spot where his shoulder was. They were on the floor, looking panicked. They scrambled to their feet and Erza didn't have time to put her armour on, but she did grab her sword.

They ran out of the room, out of the inn and onto the streets of Hargeon.

Erza looked around and saw that many of Phantom Lord's goons were there she held her sword in a tight grip.

She took a deep breath, not wanting to loose control like she had the other time. She ran straight at some of the goons, bringing down five of them with one strike. She continued like that, beating them to a pulp. It seemed almost too easy..... Her eyes widened when she noticed that they were just mechanical dolls. She turned around and her eyes widened. "Jellal!" She screamed and jumped in front of him, her sword deflecting another tranquilizer dart.

Erza felt anger boil within her, and for some strange reason, Jellal felt her anger.

"José! Show yourself!" She shouted and he laughed. "Very clever, Erza. You saw right through my ruse. But will you be able to outsmart the next one?" He cackled and she looked around, but it was completely deserted. The mechanical men were nowhere in sight. "What?!" She shouted her heart racing.

Looking around and waiting for something to happen, she barely managed to catch as silent sound. She looked around, but then she felt something hit her stomach, hard, but nobody had touched her. She kept feeling like she was getting hit, and bruises were appearing all over her body. She looked at Jellal who was being knocked back and forth, at the same time as herself. What is going on here? She thought before Jellal was sent flying, the impact hitting her as well. She staggered back a little bit, and saw something whiz by towards her, she jumped out of the way, but something else hit her hand. She cried out as a small knife was in her hand, blood trickling from it.

She looked over at Jellal, who was also clutching his hand in pain. They looked at each other. "Have you figured it out, yet?" José asked, laughing darkly. "One kiss was all that it took.... You've danced right into my palm!" He laughed in triumph. Erza's eyes widened.

His plan......? She thought wondering what it could be. He's been sending tranquilizer darts..... and when Jellal or I get hurt, the both of us feel it.... So if one of is hit by a dart, we'll both.... Her head snapped up and she turned towards Jellal. "Jellal! You can't let the dark hit you!" But dots started blurring her vision. I was..... too late..... She thought before they both fell to the ground.

A/N: The story has reached it's climax! Next chapter, I'll probably reveal the meaning of the title and why José wants them so badly. It should start getting clearer soon, though. Seeing as they feel each other's emotions now that they've kissed. OOOOHHHHH I am so excited for the next chapters! You can count that I'll update at least one or two more chapters before I, unfortunately, have to go to bed.

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