Chapter 9

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"Erza! Spare yourself the pain and join us!" José said with a begging tone in his voice. Erza knew that it was fake. He had fooled her once, he wouldn't do it again.

She screamed in pain a he kicked her already bruised body. Her armour had fallen off due to the excessive damage to it, so she was left in her black tights and black long skewed shirt.

Her hair that was once in a long raid was sprawled on the ground around her head, since the braid was undone.

"" She chocked as she coughed out more blood.

She had never felt so weak and defenceless; helpless, before. She had never been in that situation, she had always been stronger then the opponent, but this time, she was like a rock compared to a boulder.

"Why do you want Jellal and Ultear?" She asked, mustering all of her strength to speak. "Since you won't live long enough to tell the tale, I might as well tell you." He started. "I want to take over the kingdom. If Ultear is captured, Jellal will be willing to give up his life for the one that he loves, but then I'd kill her afterwards, so they can be in heaven together. And when that old man Makorov dies of old age without an heir, I will become king!" He shouted and Erza coughed again.

"Erza, you could rule this kingdom with my heir, the one that I've already chosen, you could rule together! You'd he his queen, as he'd be your king!" He shouted in a tempting voice.

Erza's heart broke when he said 'If Ultear is captured, Jellal will be willing to give up his life for the one that he loves.......' It was true. Jellal loved Ultear. Deep down she wanted to be the one that Jellal loved, the one that he treasured above everything else.

Jellal..... She thought. His face popped into her mind, bathed in the moonlight....

Sorrow overwhelmed her, and when José drew his fist back to punch her again, she closed her eyes, waiting for the impact, but it never came.

Her brown eyes opened and widened shortly after. "I told you to run! Why are you here?!" She shouted, panicked.

José's fist was in Jellal's hand, and the blue haired male flipped José onto his back.

"Do you think that you can hurt somebody important to someone and get away with it?" He said darkly, his brown eyes glaring.

Erza's heart skipped a best when he said 'important'. Tears were in her eyes as she started to predict what would happen next. There were endless possibilities. 

José laughed. "I see. That is how it is..... You love not Ultear, but her guard." José said and Erza's eyes widened.

With a last punch, José was knocked out cold, the other members of Phatom Lord hauled him up and ran away, retreating.

Tears were blurring Erza's eyes. Because of pain, and, happiness. Did Jellal really love her? Was that the reason that he came back to help her? They probably wasn't it. Why would he love her? He could have someone so much better, like Ultear.

Jellal knelt down next to Erza, his eyes filled with worry. She coughed again, more blood splattering on the ground around her.

Despite her sore muscles, she started to get up, staggering a bit before taking a step. After that step she collapsed, breathing heavily. Thankfully Jellal caught her.

"I'm weak..... I can't defeat an enemy and I cannot stand...." She whispered, her grief getting to her.

Jellal shook his head, rocking her body in a comforting way from where he was kneeling. "Shhh... You were strong.... You need to rest, you're injuries are severe." He said softly and her eyes met his.

"Do you really..... Love me?" She whispered. "Yes." He replied softly. "Good....." She said before falling asleep.

He stared at her sleeping face before he stood up, holding Erza like a princess. He was careful not to move too much to wake Erza up or to cause her pain.

He soon found the survivors of the attack. He was relieved to see his father, the medic, Wendy, Grey, Gajeel, Ultear, Laxus, Natsu and a more guards and servants. There had not been many casualties.

Ultear gasped when she saw them coming, but glared at the sleeping Erza.

The King wanted to speak to them all, so Jellal gently awoke Erza, who barely had the strength to keep her eyes open, so he stood her beside him, supporting her with both hands so that she wouldn't fall. She was leaning on him, her eyes barely open.

The King cleared his throat. "Alright, I have a plan." He looked at Gajeel who nodded. "Gajeel has been a triple agent this entire time. He's been keeping tabs on Phantom Lord and Raven Tail, but his true loyalties lie here. I knew about José's plan for a while, but I didn't know when or how he would do it. He trusts Gajeel very much. So, what I have in mind is that Prince Jellal and Erza go hide in the neighbouring country, Hargeon, and Gajeel will say that he himself killed the Prince and that Erza died before she could get treated seeing as how beat up she is. An I understood?" Everyone nodded except Erza, who just blinked slowly.

She soon fell asleep afterwards.

A/N: Second update today! I am in love with this story at the moment, so, yes, I will be updating another part as soon as I finish writing it, which might be in fifteen minutes to an hour depending on the length! Is it more interesting? I think so! But anyway, I hope you enjoyed!






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