Chapter 13

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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to @GrayzaFan for not only supporting this story, but my other Jerza story, My Sould Stil Stays.

Erza woke up, tied to a slightly tilted vertical rock that was at least three times her size with strange markings on it. She looked over to where Jellal was, and he was in the same position, but his head hung. He was probably still sleeping.

She turned her head so that she could see all around the room, which appeared to be an ancient temple with many blood traces on the wall.

"I see that you've woken." Someone said and her eyes widened. "You! I should've known!" She shouted, anger and slight fear coursing through her body.

Jellal stirred where he was and his eyes opened. He looked around and saw Erza and his eyes widened. He realized what had happened.

The man  before Erza had quite a strong figure with short purple hair and onyx eyes. He walked towards Jellal and Erza squirmed in the metal cuffs' grip.

He stood before the smaller blue haired man and glared. "What did you think you were doing when you kissed my girl?" He growled and drew his fist back to punch him, but Erza quickly intervened. "Kai, if you hit him, I'll also feel his pain!" Erza said, feigning distress, although Jellal could feel the hatred coursing through Erza.

Kai put his fist down and walked back to Erza, caressing her cheek. Jellal glared and a feeling that he had never felt before hit him. It wasn't jealousy,  but it was something far worse. It was worse then hatred itself. His hands turned into fists, and Erza glanced at him, her eyes telling him to calm down, but he couldn't.

Kai stepped away and the feeling vanished. "I shall go alert my father that you have both awoken" He said and walked away.

When he was out of earshot, Erza turned her head towards Jellal. "Jellal, no matter what happens, you need to stay calm. And you have to remember that I love you. Even if we are separated." She said and Jellal nodded slowly, wanting to hold her in his arms at that moment.

A few moments later, José walked in with a few Phantom Lord members, and he smirked. "Finally! I can finally complete my dream!" He shouted and Erza took it upon herself to ask him the question that they both wanted to know. "Why do you want us so badly?" Erza asked and the man stopped laughing, the smile still on his lips. "Alright. Let me start from the beginning. A long, long time ago, there were two lovers. In order to save their country, they had to create an ultimate weapon, which, they died from using because it wasn't used properly. They were reborn time and time again, going down through history, meeting each other and falling in love, each time with a different appearance and no memory of any of the previous lives, and died of old age. Not one of them found out about the weapon, until one couple did. They were evil, you see? And they left a manuscript to me, their son, explaining everything, so that I could find the next lovers and bring out the weapon, something that they were killed trying to attain. Originally, I thought that Ultear and Jellal were the lovers, since Makarov never believed in arranged marriages and gaining more power. But then, when Jellal intervened when Erza was getting pummelled, I knew that she was the other lover, not Ultear. You see, I'm going to resurrect my parents' souls from inside the two of you, and then they're going to use the ultimate power so we can rule over, not only Magnolia, but the entire world!" He  finished his explanation and Jellal and Erza couldn't believe what they had just learned.

They were destined to meet......

They didn't have a choice but to fall in love......

They are a secret weapon that could destroy the entire continent..... The entire world....

A/N: Weren't expecting that, were you? Does the title make sense now? XD Sooo....? I love hearing your feed back on my story! And..... BOOM! Climax, attained!





~Strawberry-chan ;)

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