Chapter 10

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After Wendy healed Erza as best she could, Gajeel went off to speak to José and the two were off, with blue cloaks. Erza was given new and different armour, while Jellal no longer wore his princely attire.

They had traveled on foot for a few hours, walking across Magnolia. They had money with them so they could survive. Makorov told them that when the time came for their return, he would send a team of trusted guards. He also said that he probably wouldn't be alive when they got back.

Erza was still slightly weak from the fight with José, so they often had to take breaks for her to rest a few minutes before they continued their journey.

They got to Hargeon in three days' time, and by the time they got there, they were already exhausted.

There was a very big festival going in in Hargeon; the masquerade festival.

It was a very famous festival and many tourists came to participate. Erza figured our Makorov's ruse. It wouldn't seem suspicious when two people from a foreign country enter.

They were too tired to take the time and admire the decor, and spent all their time trying to find a cheap but safe inn to remain in until a guard would set off to tell them to come back to Magnolia.

They asked for a room and got the key, paying for it and going up to it.

They removed the saggy cloaks and put them in the wooden wardrobe  that was in the room. Erza removed the heavy armour that she wore, leaving her in a black skirt and a white button down tank top with a blue bow and buttons.

Her scarlet hair was loose, and for the first time that Jellal had seen her, she looked like a vulnerable girl. Not a guard trained to fight and to give her life for the Royal Family, but a normal girl.

Jellal hadn't noticed himself staring at her until she turned around, looking into his eyes.

His eyes widened and he looked away, looking around the room. There was a bunk bed, a wooden wardrobe and a table with chairs, and a small bathroom.

"We should change our hair colour..... And you should cover up that tattoo of yours.... That was it'll be easier not to be recognized." She said and he nodded.

They agreed to do that the next morning seeing as it was already dark out. They climbed into the bunk bed, Jellal on the top and Erza on the bottom.

* * * * *

The next morning when Jellal woke up, Erza was already up. She was looking out the window at the sun rise.

But, she was....... Crying.

This shocked him; the only time he had ever seen her cry was that one time, but this time it was worse. She seemed to be in deeper pain.

"Erza...?" He asked and she turned so her back was facing, as she wiped her tears with the back if her hand, but small sniffles were heard.

Jellal walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked at him slightly turning her head.

He had a black long sleeved shirt as well as black leggings.

"Erza, you can tell me if something is bothering you." He said worry in his voice and eyes. More tears sprouted to her eyes and she turned her head again, before looking at him, no longer holding back the tears. "I said that José tricked me into nearly killing somebody, right?" She started and he nodded. "I'm haunted by my actions that I did, and I did it willingly, too. As long as I please my only friend." She continued, and his heart pounded in his chest. I was around thirteen years old when I nearly killed somebody. He had also been tricked by José. He wanted us to kill each other, so that all the information we possessed could never be shared. We did end up fighting, I almost killed him before I asked him why he was trying to kill me. He told me why and my whole world came crashing down. And the worst thing...." She said as she lifted up the back of her shirt to show him her back. His eyes widened as he saw all the scars. "He tamed me. He tortured me until I obeyed his every command even after the incident..... he still wants me to marry his son. Of course, I have no intention of following his orders, anymore." She said as she put her shirt back into place.

Jellal's shocked face made her sigh and look away. "I knew you wouldn't look at me the same way. I could be a  traitor for all you know." She sighed. "That's what's bothering me." She said and he pulled her into a hug. Her eyes widened.

"What you did in the past...... is in the past. You can't change it, and I know, that you would never go back to that cruel man. You have friends now; like me." He said and she gave him a small smile as tears came to her eyes again.

"Jellal..... Thank you." She said, dropping the title she used to call him by.

* * * * *

"Do they think that I'm stupid? I've known that Gajeel is loyal to the palace for a long time. They honestly think that I want to take over the kingdom..... those fools. What I really want, is the prize within the Prince, and the Guard........ But do not worry, my son. You will get what you want after I get the ultimate weapon. We have already won, and the battle has not even begun."

"Yes, Father."

A/N: Phew! The story is reaching it's climax, isn't it? I'm rrrreeeeeaaaaalllllllyyyyyy excited for what's to come! My original idea for the climax of this story will have to be put into another one, which I will probably do, since I like that idea as well. What do you think the person in italics meant when they said 'What I really want is the prize within the Prince, and the Guard......'? If you can guess right, I'll give you a shout out in the chapter where it is revealed? (Which is NOT the next chapter, or the one after that, mind you.) And if I don't wanna wait, I'll give you the shout out at the final chapter! Good luck in guessing~ It's a hard one..... But there are clues, I think, anyway.... XD (*Hint* Title *Hint*) Love you, Strawberry-Patches!






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