Chapter 8

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Erza found it much more awkward around Jellal, ever since her little break-down over something as silly as a crush, and she often felt a constriction in her chest whenever she saw Ultear around him. Something always sparked in her, a feeling of hatred would always well up within her, one that she had never felt before. It was like she wanted Ultear to go rot in a hole, and she wanted Jellal to look at her, smile at her. Show any sign that he notice her.

She sighed in frustration, mixed feelings entering her body.

She kept thinking until she heard a large siren go off. "Intruders! The castle is under attack!" A guard shouted and bombs started befalling the palace.

Erza started running towards the pair, even though she wanted nothing more then to leave Ultear to die, her duties as Captain of the guard forced her.

Ultear was screaming and crying, pressing herself closer to Jellal, who looked around frantically.

"Stop your crying, princess! It will do you no good!" Ultear gasped at her ready to shout back in reply. "No, she's right. Crying won't make the enemies spare us." Jellal said, looking into Erza's eyes.

The redhead nodded and started running, telling them to follow.

They followed her and Erza brought down enemies that got in their way. They were from a group of bandits, Phantom Lord.

Erza's armour was already dented, and it took less an less impact.

The three were surrounded by a large group of them, and Erza held her sword in a battle stance.

Ultear was behind Jellal, who was behind Erza.

A man with purple hai tied into a ponytail came out, arms spread wide.

"We mean you no harm, Erza. Just hand over the princess and we'll go." He said and her eyes widened "You! I'd never head your commands again!" She shouted. "Alright, give us the Prince." He shouted and Erza's eyes widened in anger. "You'd have to kill me first before getting either one of them!" She shouted, charging.

With each slash of her sword, she got angrier and angrier. "You ruined my childhood! You pretended to be my friend! You used me to do your dirty work! You made me nearly kill somebody!" She shouted slashing harder and harder.

"Now, now, Erza. You know as well as I that you didn't care about doing the dirty work. You were treated like a Queen! You were born to be a Phantom!" He shouted and she screamed. "No! Stop lying! You killed my parents so that I would think that I needs you! Everything went according to your plan! Every piece of it!" She shouted, her sword clashing into his.

He chuckled. "I'll give you on last chance." He started and she jumped away, panting. "Join us!" He finished with an evil grin. "Never!" She shouted charging at him. He sighed. "Have it your way." He shouted and he they'd his sword forward, dodging her blade and stabbing her in the back. Her eyes widened as she was kicked to the floor.

She got up and braced herself again. "Erza, why do you fight? You know you're going to loose. Spare yourself the pain." He said with a sigh. She couldn't think clearly. "Stop pretending that you care!" She screamed, charging.

He sighed again and this time, his sword lodged itself in her stomach. She coughed and blood splattered out if her mouth. José removed his sword, making the girl fall to the ground. "Captain Erza!" Jellal shouted, his eyes wide. She was no doubt the strongest guard in the palace, but he had defeated her with ease.

"Go...! Run....! Find another.... Captain....." She said and she coughed again, her strength fading.

As hard as it was for Jellal to leave her there, he knew that if he stayed, her sacrifice would've been in vain.

He took Ultear by the hand and pulled her running.

She was slowing them down, so he picked he up and ran. She had a soft pink dusted over her cheeks and she stared it him dreamily.

All Jellal could think about was Erza; how angry she had seemed.

You made my nearly kill somebody!

She had said. But what had she meant by it? Jellal was tempted more then anything to race back and help the girl who he had shared his deepest desire, a girl who had not laughed at him, but understood him, who had let him comfort her, who had let him help her as much as she had helped him. He would've rather died then to see her die, he would rather be forced to marry Ultear then to see her in pain, he would rather be a wanted criminal then to see her with someone else then him; he wondered if what he felt was love, or if it was simply friendship; but he started to believe that it was the first.

And so when he found capable Lieutenants, Grey Fullbuster and Gajeel Redfox, he put Ultear on the ground and ran back to where he had left Erza, where he ha left his heart.

A/N: Yesssssssssssssssssss! Jellal finally realized, huh? I know that this isn't Friday and that I didn't need to update, but, eh, I am bored and I wanted to write this, and I want to finish as many stories as I can as quickly as I can! Since I have five stories ( on Wattpad) and five others (not on Wattpad) and a one shot book as well, I already surpassed my limit of two books at a time! But, in five days it's Christmas break! Yayyyy! But I have an art project to finish -_- I could finish it before Christmas break, but it probably won't we done since only planned the first two parts and there are four to plan, and the I have to draw (because I wanna) and then I'm done. I love the program that in in because for projects I can do it in whatever format that I wish! I could write a song(even though I suck) a story, a comic book/manga..... A video! WHATEVER I WANNA DO! Isn't that cool? I think it is. So.... Yeah! I'll probably update more frequently during Christmas break, and this is probably my favourite fairy tail story that I'm writing right now. I have no idea why, but I LOVE writing it! Enough ranting, bye my Strawberry-Patches!






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