Chapter 15

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The three days passed by quickly, and soon they were chained up on the rocks once again.

José stood before them with a wicked smile on his face. "The time has come!" His voice boomed. There were added symbols on the ground around the two rocks, which were closer together, the rocks touching.

Erza looked at Jellal with scared eyes, and he gave her a reassuring smile.

José snapped his fingers and a few guards came up, and with razor sharp blades, they made a small cut on both of their ring fingers, making them wince. José started chanting something under his breath, and the second that the first drop of blood landed on the rock from both of them at the same time, the symbols started to glow.

Erza let out a scream as she herself started glowing. Jellal's eyes were wide. He couldn't feel her pain; he could only watch as she continued to scream and tears were streaming down her face. It wasn't like her to scream like that. They must have done something to make her more sensitive to pain. It all clicked in his brain. The reason he couldn't feel her pain, the reason why she was in so much pain, it was the cut on her ring finger. He looked down at his own ring finger and saw a similar cut.

He couldn't speak, he chocked on his own voice every time he tried to speak. He was too horrified to speak, to move. "Bring in the sacrifice!" A young girl in tears was shoved in front of Erza. She looked so afraid.

She stared at Erza, and then her gaze drifted to him. His eyes widened. Lily, one of the girls he had met back in Hargeon, was there.

She seemed to recognize him as well, and her eyes were pleading him to help her. Erza's screams got more intense as a ball of darkness started coming out of the cut on her finger. Jellal had a lump in his throat and Lily seemed even more frightened.

She was pushed into the circle of symbols and the ball floated towards her. She backed up, but when she got to the end of the symbol circle, she hit a barrier.

Only her scream was heard as the orb entered her body through her chest. Her blonde hair turned a dark purple, and her blue eyes turned black. Her olive coloured skin turned a ghostly pale, and her festival dress grew long until it reached the floor. It was strapless and purple, but there was a lighter purple lace that tied the dress to the shoulders, and the long sleeves were made of it. (Elsa's dress, but dark purple......)

 The glowing around Erza stopped and she was breathing heavily, and the woman turned around. "I'm alive again?" She spotted José. "You must be my son." She said and opened her arms wide and walked towards him, her high heels clicking as she walked. She put both her hands on his shoulders and turned around to look at Erza, who had wide eyes in horror and pain. She was sweating, and the woman walked towards her. "I must thank you, for bringing me back to life. You remind me of myself when I was younger." She said and her long nailed finger the long of Erza's face. She was shaking. "Except, I was, much, much, prettier." She said and punched Erza in the stomach making the girl scream. "Get away from her!" Jellal boomed, finally able to speak again.

The woman turned to him and laughed evilly. Her laugh echoed all throughout the temple and she approached him. "Such a shame. Such a beautiful face has to be tarnished so young." She said with a sigh. She walked back towards José. Who smiled proudly at his mother.

"Now, my son, awake your father. He is eager to come out." She said and he nodded, and then men went and cut another on top of the older cut. They both winced, and when the first drop of blood from both of them hit the symbols at the same time, Jellal's body started to glow.

He gasped and clenched his teeth as an immense pain shot through him. He willed himself not to scream in pain, he couldn't, for Erza's sake. His fists were clenched and he tried to force the spirit coming out of him back in. He couldn't let it out. If he did, it would be like he was at fault for the world's demise.

"What's taking so long?" The woman said with a sigh, and noticed the Jellal was holding the spirit in.

She smirked and walked towards Erza and Jellal's eyes followed her. She put her hand at the redhead's neck, chocking her. "Now, be a good boy and let him out, or you can say goodbye to your little princess." She said in mock sadness.

Jellal blinked away the tears.

I'm sorry......

A/N: Yeah! I'm getting more and more excited by the second! Should I update now or should I wait until Friday? XD I'm guessing now. I love writing cliff-hangers! I love giving people suspense! So, who do you think that he's saying sorry to? Wait in....... 30? 45? minutes? I have no idea how long that it's gonna take. Who else already hates Clarita (The woman)? I know I do XD even though I created her. Oh!  JUST GOT AN AWESOME IDEA!!!!  What if I make, like, bonus chapters at the end of this story about Clarita and her lover, and how they got to be evil? Like my Side Stories in 'Romeo and Juliet' if you've read that one! See you 'till my next chapter!






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