Chapter 11

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(A/N: The clothes that they wear is Erza's Heart Cruez Armour and Jellal's modern outfit, in the picture, without Crime Sorciere's guild mark on it.)

Erza had to die her beautiful scarlet hair in brown - much to Jellal's disdain - and Jellal used makeup to cover up his tattoo and died his hair blonde. They looked at each other, and grimaced. "You look too different." They said at the same time. Erza blushed slightly as did Jellal, but he chuckled.

They slipped on their cloaks and walked out of the inn,  hoping not to draw too much attention towards themselves.

Couples walked by, young and old, families, friends...... Everyone seemed happy, except the two of them who were on their toes. "Jellal.... I mean, Siegrain, we look too edgy..." Erza said, using the fake name they had chosen for him. "I agree. We should relax." He said and Erza nodded. Erza was given the name Elisabeth, Elsa for short. (A/N: I looked it up on the internet! It's the best thing that I could find!)

They stood at a distance that friends would stand, shoulder's relaxed and looking around, enjoying the festival.

Everywhere they went, girls would see Jellal, giggle, bat their eyelashes and tried to get his attention. Erza got angrier the more they did it. He either ignored them or didn't see them at all.

Erza was actually relaxed when a group of beautiful girls came up to them. And I mean, really beautiful. Erza felt her fingers twitch when they eyed Jellal. One of them with blonde hair stepped up and bit the inside of her cheek, her ankles crossed and she was holding both her arms.

"What's your name?" She asked and Jellal looked at Erza from the corner of his eye. "Siegrain." He replied with a charming smile. "I'm Lily. That's Lilith, and that's Violet. Oh, and that's Rose." She said pointing to each of the four girls. They huddled around Jellal, casting Erza out. She was twitching even more now, trying to contain her anger. She didn't  even have to ask herself why she felt that way anymore; she already knew the answer. She hadn't forgotten when she asked him if he loved her and that he had said yes.

Was he joking? Was he only toying with her feelings? He didn't look like that type of person though..... She sighed. "I'll be right back." She said but went unheard because at least ten more girls had crowded around Jellal.

She sighed again, sadness flowing through her. He has much better choices then me. She thought and started walking away to clear her head, and to get away from the pain the scene was causing her.

As she walked, somebody had come up to her. Her eyes widened in shock. "Hi!" The girl said jumping in each step she took. "Are you new to Hargeon? I've never seen you around here before." She started. She snapped her fingers. "You're probably here for the festival! Anyway, I'm Millianna!" She shouted and held her hand out. Erza shook it. "I'm Er..... I mean.... Elisabeth. Elsa for short." She replied and Millianna's smile faded. "You remind me of someone that I used to know. Anyway! Can I call you Erzy-werzy? I used to call a very good friend of mine that." She asked and Erza slowly nodded. "What happened to your friend?" She asked, a lump in her throat.

"Apparently she died from a heart-attack, her adoptive father.... Jo.... Jossie? Something like that came and told me, Simon, Sho and Wally. We were devastated." She said and sniffled. Erza surprised herself when she hugged her. "I'm sorry." She whispered and Millianna's eyes widened. "Why are you sorry?" She pulled away. "I.... I have to go! My friends are going to be worried!" She said with a smile and turned and walked away.

Was that really.... Erza?  She thought as soon as her back faced her old friend her smile faded. "I can't tell anyone until I'm completely sure." She mumbled.

A/N: Forth chapter today! You guys must happy, no? XD Anyway, bye-bye! Until next chapter.






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