Chapter 21

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Makarov sighed, rubbing his temples. "I never thought I'd need to see her again....." He mumbled. He jumped out of his throne and walked toward Erza and Jellal. Erza suddenly had a very bad feeling as the King approached them. 

He seemed to tower over them despite his short appearence, a grim from on his face. Then he broke out into a grin.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that. But I can tell that the both of you truly love each other, so I agree. I will help you." He said and started walking towards the door, five guards following close behind as well as Erza's four friends. 

After ten minutes and the last twist in the halls, the group stopped in front of a dead end. "What?! I think you've got us lost, Your Majesty!" Millianna shouted, but the old man kept walking until he passed through the wall. Everyone's jaw dropped, but the first to recover were Erza and Jellal. They headed towards the wall, still hand in hand. They passed through as well. Everyone soon followed and they gaped at what was on the other side of the room.

They stood in a hidden room, orned with ancient magical devices, most which have been long since forgotten. "I know who you are searching for, and she was a friend of mine way-back-when." He said and started digging through a large heap. He pulled out a large machine, and sighed, closing his eyes. "You must try to think of who you are looking for, and this machine will bring you to that person. It also sense magic and might lead you to that. I will come with you because she isn't a very friendly person. Everyone who's coming, hold onto one of us! You must keep in touch or you might end up somewhere not intended!" That was all it took for everyone to hold onto someone. Simon, Jellal and Makarov held the three bars of the machine and Erza held onto Jellal, Millianna and Sho were holding onto Simon, while Wally was standing behind Makarov and holding onto the bars as well. 

"Three! Two! ONE!" He shouted and they were transported in front of a small cottage by the river side under a very, very large house. Suddenly, a woman with pink hair holding a broom came out screaming. "GO AWAY YOU FILTHY HUMANS! GET OFF MY PROPERTY!" She screeched and almost hit Jellal in the head if it wasn't for Erza to chop it in half with her sword which was still tied around her waist. 

"MY BROOM!" She continued to screech but stopped her fit when she saw the short man on the ground. "What are you doing here, Makarov?" She asked, much calmer. "I came here because we need your help, Porlyusica." He stated and she huffed. "What makes you think I'll actually help you?" She gruffed and Makarov sighed.

"You'll help me because I am King, and because it has affair with the Legendary Lovers." He said and her eyes widened. They scanned the crowd until they landed on Erza and Jellal, who were standing hip to hip. "I see." She said gravely. "Come inside, but  you five, stay out here. I cannot allow anyone but those two know the secret." She said and made Jellal and Erza follow her into the small cottage.

She sat them down in the small living room next to each other and made some tea, bringing it into the living room and placing it on the table in between her and the couple, with three cups. She poured them before sitting down. Erza and Jellal took a sip but wore a pained expression as the liquide entered their mouths. "It's herbal tea. Don't drink it if you don't like it. Stupid humans." She grumbled and they both put down the cups. 

"I'm guessing you want to know the secret to the weapon?" They nodded and she sighed. "First you must tell me why." 

"The last lovers before us were revived, and they want to use the weapon to take over the world." Erza explained. "I thought so. I felt the disturbance in the universe. I will tell you - but it is risky." She warned and they nodded. 

"You have to wait until they're almost done or just done, you must kill  at least one of them since they will be weak. The weapon will still form and activate, so you two must take control of it force it to disintegrate or dissapear, whatever you want to call it. However, you must use your life force to do this." 

"And the risk?" Erza asked, secretly knowing, but not liking the answer. "You both die."

A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS! Or Hanukkah or Idd..... depending  on your religion (I know it's not all the same day) The epic stuff is coming soon and I can't wait! I'm like screaming and getting all excited whenever I think about it. I'm already seeing it in my mind! SO EXCITED! I have the music planned out and everything! (Yes, I put music during the epic parts most of the time for my new stories) I keep telling my friends and family how excited I am and that the epic stuff is coming soon and they have no idea what I'm talking about XD I hope you had a great day, my lovely Strawberry Patches!





~Strawberry-chan (XD) 

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